Check in Manuals . 1. Right-click in the Files folder, and New a Array file. 2. You can fill in the cell with content, or copy and paste cell contents from an e...
2D Array Sort by field in the header. In the vanilla Array Sort action, we can not sort by a field. Obviously, this result Is'nt what we want. What we want is U...
Demonstrates how to use the phone's gyroscope,and detect when the user is shaking the phone. Just shake your phone. Example Tips: Long press the screen, when th...
I re-made the official Blend mode example. Before: After: Note: Blend modes only work on layers with 'Force own texture' property enabled.
Currently, The Vanilla Array sorting is 1D mode, for 2D arrays it breaks their relationship. For some configuration sheet this doesn't apply. Therefore, when we...
This tutorial introduces several ways to manage data structures to make a simple inventory system. Which one is better dictionary or array inventory? They each...
You want to count the repeated elements contained in this array and count the number of times they appear. Use Dictionary object. When an element is first found...
JSON.Get("store.Info.Location") // Lover's Pond. {. "data": }. JSON.Get("data.0") // 123. JSON.Get("data.1") // 456. Example 2.2. {. "items": }. JSON.Get("items...
{. "locale": "en-US", "strings": {. "lang": "English", "test": "Hello {0} {1}". }. }. Currently, there are many supported international locale. Locale. Lang. La...
Using Array editor / Excel to prepare dialogue data. The same ID will be considered the continuous conversation. ID. Name. Text. Screen1_Intro. Alice. Hi, Bob!...
Member since 26 Mar, 2016