Just sharing some of my weird ideas recently:
When I made event triggers, I made some modular objects and check whether it has a specific child object to gave them specific functions and.
For example, when I needed this event to show a dialogue, I added the dialogue icon to the trigger.
The green blocks as triggers, they are all the same, And they don't have any instance variables. when player collision or overlapping trigger, check the trigger's hierarchy to see if a specific child object exists.
In each child icon, there are instance variables that determine what events they will trigger.
Some of the instructions are:
- trigger when entering the area
- Press the interaction key to trigger when overlapping the area
- Hide after triggering(Destroy but reset at next time when enter the Layout)
- Permanently remove from current game(Destroy + Persistent & Local Storage)
- Send signal when trigger
These icons are from: game-icons.net