You've got the playerbox & player using Platform independently. Get rid of it from player and pin player to the playerbox. Fix events 8 & 9.
value = choose(1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,16,17,18,19,20)
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Put all relevant objects in a Family, then it does exactly what you want.
Edit: also, needing 25 different objects usually points to unnecessary complexity. You could use just one sprite with 25 frames/animations. Just track by frame number/animation name.
File:Preferences:Reset dialogs
On the Project tab, right-click the Layouts folder and choose "Add layout".
You need to clarify which behaviour you need, as you refer to two different things here. Do you want the variable set to zero when the player is not overlapping at all, or, after the player was completely overlapping and is now leaving the blue box and starting to not overlap. The second one needs clarification as the player could be both entering and leaving the blue box at the same time if you are trying to isolate partial overlap.
Click on the View tab at the top. All of the bar management is there. Make sure "Properties Bar" is checked.
First, switch your random() action to: int(random(0,3)). This gives an even chance of each number. round(random(0,2)) doesn't.
You can also use choose: choose(0,1,2). You could have different choose() lines for different levels if you can't get arrays to work.
Arrays will work, but this might be easier to understand.
Just use the distance expression, keeping track of the shortest distance.
Did you fully read the manual? Volume is highest at zero, and goes down (negative) from there.
You need to "Pick by UID" in the function. That gets the single object to process.
Member since 28 May, 2012