Just basic math. Subtract the LayoutHeight + Self.Height from your Y, assuming your Layout is the size of your graph.
You can use a TiledBackground of 1x1 with the appropriate colour. Then just size the object to whatever size you want.
The best you can do is copy and paste each layer. You can also copy and paste the events, as long as all of the plugins are included first. If you did that now into an empty project, save that and always start with this for your new games.
Give each a unique tag, use "Audio:On ended" to start the next sound. Add three "Audio:On ended" triggers to call the next sound. Alternately, keep track of the sounds yourself and play as appropriate.
Use the Timer behaviour on the Star and have each start with an initial random seconds, then "On timer", start your fade.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
At the bottom of this page are both links.
Try using Google to search "2.5D" or "mode 7" and Construct2. You can't find samples with Scirra's search restrictions, but you can still find some via Google. There are many examples.
Check Sprite.Count = 0.
Just select your obstacle and click on Container to add your invisible sprite. Now whenever you make the obstacle, the invisible sprite will be automatically created. Same for destroying.
A Container may also work, if you don't need the association back to the original enemy.
Store the UID of the "other" object and them pick & destroy by that UID.
Or use (i < int(n/3)), and use (loopindex*3).
Member since 28 May, 2012