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  • Tobye - sure, now I have to figure out how to properly add a TURN surver to C2 multiplayer. Currently my TURN server doesn't log anything by using this "turn:my_username@<turn_server_ip_address>,credential:my_password"

  • Ashley

    Is it right to add a TURN server in C2 like this:

    js - {"url":"turn:my_username@<turn_server_ip_address>", "credential":"my_password"}]};

    C2 - "turn:my_username@<turn_server_ip_address>,credential:my_password"

    E.g. In multiplayer example where should the TURN server be added, before on signalling connected or after, or may be somwhere else?

  • Ashley

    I installed the turn server and it's running, but in order to connect to it I have to specify username and password (credential). I can't find the way to do it in C2 events. There's only Add ICE server command. Can I add username and password to the "Add ICE server" string somehow?

    I tried something like this, but it doesn't work: "turn:test@<>, credential:test"

    So far I found this:

    In your Javascript code where the RTCPeerConnection is created, reference the TURN server as follows:

    var pc_config = {"iceServers": [{"url": "stun:stun.l.google.com:19302"}, {"url":"turn:my_username@", "credential":"my_password"}]};

    pc_new = new webkitRTCPeerConnection(pc_config);

    Another question is, where should "Add ICE server" be useded: before On signalling connected or after

  • Good, bandwidth is not a problem.

  • Ashley

    Noob questions:

    Here https://code.google.com/p/rfc5766-turn-server/ I found an open source STUN server by google:


    If I set it up and connect with "Add ICE Server", will it work together with Multiplayer Plugin?

    There's also a public STUN server provided by google: stun.l.google.com:19302

  • Thanks for the reply, I will try to setup a TURN server - hopefully it will help.

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  • Hello there,


    today I tried to test the game with two devices on mobile networks (low bandwidth) and it was not possible to establish the connection. The host registered the peer, but didn't let it in.

    I also noticed that it does not connect if the connection bandwidth is low even on wifi network, which previously worked with high bandwidth.

    Does multiplayer object use this traversal standards to overcome NAT/Firewall issues:

    Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) – RFC 5245 http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5245

    Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) - RFC 5389 http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5389

    Traversal Using Relay NAT (TURN) - RFC 5766 http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5766

    I just tried this WebRTC demo and it worked on all networks which I used (wi-fi at home and office, mobile, lan)


    Also this instant messaging demo works on all my networks:

    http://demo.easyrtc.com/demos/demo_inst ... aging.html

    Looks like the current implementation of Multiplayer Plugin has some issues.

  • Interesting topic.


    I also work on a multiplayer platformer now and have a lot of issues. I think platform behavior doesn't fit into multiplayer concept (host/peer) at all. If you enable local input prediction for a peer, there will be constant position glitches etc. Without input prediction and platform behavior enabled on peer's side it's not possible to play, because the delay between peer's input and response is very noticable.

    A bit off-topic: an official pong example stops working correctly after certain ball speed. So there's some room for improvement for real time multiplayer.

  • Anyone has information if Apple is going to accept it one day? Is it possible to develop a plugin/wrapper so that webrtc works in iOS browser?

  • Yeah, I understand. Just wanted to raise the topic, because I think it's kind of important for HTML5 developers.

  • And if it could be done only on user input?

  • Hello there,


    I researched the topic a little bit and as far as I understand now it's not possible to add a web-app to the home screen programmatically, but may be there could be a work around.


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