Hello there,
a question
According to the description on Cocos2d website:
" Cocos2d-Js supports running game code as native application in Cocos2d-x JavaScript Bindings without or with little modification" http://www.cocos2d-x.org/wiki/Cocos2d-JS.
"All graphics, rendering and physics code will run natively and only the game logic will run in JavaScript. Cocos2d-x uses SpiderMonkey, the Firefox JS virtual machine (VM), to execute JS code.
The JS VM is extended to support all the cocos2d, Chipmunk and CocosBuilder Reader APIs. So, when you create a CCSprite in JS, you are actually creating an C++ CCSprite. When you create an action in JS, you are actually creating an C++ action, when you create a particle system in JS, you are actually creating an C++ particle system… and so on. This approach is about 10x ~ 20x faster than HTML5 games even when they use accelerators like directCanvas" http://www.cocos2d-x.org/wiki/How_to_bind_C++_to_Javascript
This framework is opensource and has many games in their showcase, even zynga used it. Can it be used for development of "native" exporter for C2? Does it make sense technically?