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  • Hello All

    Can someone explain me how to do the following in Xcode?

    I would like to change the "Button" Home Indicator so:

    First Swipe = Activated

    Second Swipe = Game minimized

    Example that have this:

    Clash of Clans

    I found also the explanations on Apple's Website, but i dont know which line most rewrite or add this in Xcode export.

    Link: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uiviewcontroller/2887512-preferredscreenedgesdeferringsys

    I See also that Unity has a Button for this to change that, has that Construct 3 too?

    Best Regards


  • Yes it was with construct 3 version 157

  • Hi nettemple

    Now i have all programmed as in the video. After a few uploads, it was finally accepted by apple and is now accept for release. It is true that the button „content hosting“ is not needed, Apple has confirmed me even after the error messages. All I had to do was insert a Restore Button and program it, so IAP purchases can be reloaded via a mobile phone change.

    I hope that helps you.

    Best regards,

    Planlos Studios

  • Hi nettemple

    Thanks for the Tutorial.

    So that I understand correctly. If I make Non Consumable IAP purchases, they are automatically saved in the buyer's account, so without having to activate Content Hosting?

    All I have to do is program the registration correctly at the beginning of the game?

    Best regards,

    Planlos Studios

  • Nepeo please can u help me?

    best regards,

    Planlos Studios

  • Hello everybody

    I have programmed a game for Construct 3 with IAP purchases.

    Unfortunately, I do not know how to get the required IAP metadata for the Ios Store.

    I have taken the following steps:

    1. I have exported my project in Construct 3 as Xcode project.

    2. Mapped my team to my project in Xcode and uploaded it to Apple Connect.

    3. Added Apple Connect IAP purchases under Features.

    (Not Consumable and should be hosted by Apple, Content Hosting)

    Can someone tell me how to get the necessary IAP purchase files (metadata).

    Please help

    Best regards,

    Planlos Studios

  • AllanR

    Thanks man u are our hero thats exactly what we wanted to do.

    perfect good work. probs


    Planlos Studios

  • Hey Ashley

    Please have a look at my Capx. I think the problem is the touch (0) or (1). This doesn't work like i want. he only check the touch (0), i don't understud what construct touch(1) do.

    Can u explane me what the mistake is between touch (0) and touch (1) in my Capx.


    Planlos Studios

  • Hello

    No that is not i looking for.

    We want a movement with the left finger on the yellow bit and with the right finger tap or hold at a button (white bit) to shoot. The Problem is the sequence of the touches. The player should only move when the left finger is on the yellow bit but on the same time can be the right finger on the white bit. It must be differentiate which finger is on the yellow bit that we can say take only the position from the left finger for the player. The Player should only move on the own position with the same angle and speed like the left finger.


    Planlos Studios

  • Hi at All

    We have the problem that we can't differentiate two or more touch input to control our player and shoot at the same time. Now we make a test capx with the player controls on the yellow background. That's work fine but when u touch on the white screen to simulate the second touch or switch the touch inputs the player doesn't move anymore because he couldn't differentiate between the two touch inputs.

    Can U help us?

    Capx Example:



    Planlos Studios

  • Hello Community

    Can someone help me?

    I am currently working on an app in which I would like to offer inapp purchases (Non consumable).

    To host this directly from Apple (Ios), I need Xcode InApp purchase files.

    Can someone tell me, which content i must take from the xcode project export.

    Version: Construct 3 R136

    Plugin: IAP Mobile

    Export: Ios 12+, Xcode Project

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  • Hi Community

    I recently tested Real Time Examples with my Friend. It was Shown each time that two People are connected (Host and Peer). However, no Player was created on the Peer and the Host was not displayed either. At the Host, a small flash of the Peer was visible, but disappeared immediately. Finally, the Host just saw himself and the Peer was kicked after a few seconds.

    Can someone tell me what we are doing wrong, on various Devices tried with Construct 3 and Construct 2.


    OS: Windows 10

    Browser: Chrome or Firefox newest version

    Testing Examples:

    - Multiplayer: real time game

    - Multiplayer: Pong

    - Multiplayer: Chat Room

    Sorry for the bad English.

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