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  • Greetings, so, i have been developing a game, obviously, and one major problem I am still having with the game is that i want the game to be fully shown at all times, that said, i made my View Port size the size of the game map, and I tried all 4 of the Full Screen Modes, i thought, based on what i understand from the documentation, that Full Screen Scale Inner was exactly what I would want, but this is not the case, on a Viewport of 1280 x 1024 with Scale Inner, the entire lower and upper section is not shown, that is about 32 pixels from the top is not there and 32 pixels from the bottom is not there.

    When i do Scale Outer, I get another obvious problem, more than the game is shown, additionally when you resize the game window in a browser, the left edge disappears and starts removing itself, starting at 32 pixels shift to the left outside of the view area and gets worse as you try to rescale the window, this is also unacceptable, so then i tried LetterBox Scale, this doesn't have the scaling artifact that Sale outer has as a problem, nor does it have the clipping problem that scale inner has, but it has the black border, again, not what i want, so finally i tried Letterbox Integer scale, black all around the edge, doesn't have the scaling issues that both Scale Inner and Scale Outer have but again, not what i want.

    So there are clear issues with Scale Inner for me, obvious resize clipping problems with Scale Outer, black borders on Letterbox scaling but neither of those have the clipping resize issue, has anyone found a clear and clean way to have the viewport project scaling to work so that the entire viewport is the only thing that is shown in the game window without clipping problems when you resize the window?

    Note, i have created a bug report on the whole layout viewport mode thing with C3 and issues with the upper 1/4 only showing, but that was closed due to no one can reproduce these problems with viewport, so i am literally looking for community help here on this, all i want is my game to be edge to edge from within the viewport itself, always, regardless of the resize of the window. I have totally failed at this.





  • Thanks for offer of help to review my project but I have too much proprietary in the full project, I will thin down to a new project later tonight and post that up with the movement layout so you can see what I am doing. It's pretty straight forward, in layout I have an event


    Touch: is in touch

    System: Every tick

    Actions: set angle towards (touch.x, touch.y)

    Move forward 250xdt pixels

    Scroll to Player

    That's pretty much it, so on touch, move the player towards the touch, of course I also have other events like spawn the bullet, etc, but that section above fully describes how I am moving the player.

  • For the moment I’ve added it statically, but I have no idea why load from url does not work.

  • I suspect if you put a number in the file name, use a variable and random(1,100) as example, the load that file as the tile, that might work, so you could spawn based on that random number, I am doing something similar in my game with spawning random enemies in my cyborg family group.

  • I would like to add the trust guard logo to the main game pages, to a menu, I have the html script for it, how do I add that to at game page? If I modify the main html generated, it blows up the game and I have yet to find in the objects where I can add in additional html code or JavaScript, any help is appreciated.


    I’ve added a sprite object and on start of project layout I tried to add the load image from URL and given it the URL of the gif to “https://secure.trust-guard.com/seals/privacy/13659-mini.gif” and that isn’t working.

    I’ve also tried to point it direct to another page I created solely for trust guard.


  • Thanks, I’ve change it to be 250*dt but still see a speed difference between devices, I will keep testing.

    It took getting up to 250*dt to equal the 5px for some reason.

  • I really don’t think this is a bug yet so I am looking for some feedback from people who have published games for both mobile and web, when moving the player around at a set speed, say 5 pixels, the player movement is actually dependent on the device. Other objects in the layout seem unaffected and do their thing at normal speeds. This is very bizarre to me, you can see this issue if you load my work in progress (pre-pre-alpha) (forgive it, that is not how the game is going to be played, I am testing objects, just touch/hold on mobile to move around, or use mouse left button down to move around, test goal is to activate all turrets, just touch/hold over them to activate)

    I am seeing difference in player move speed depending on device, whether it is android, Apple or desktop, even browsers make a difference. The players speed is static at 5 pixels, any suggestions?

  • Update, this is only a problem in edge browser on the PC so far, and a total no go on any browser on the iPad since Apple uses safari at the core, i will post another update tonight when I can test with a MacBook Pro to see if it has the same problem with addons.

  • For those that can, please download any addon for construct 3, then try to add it into construct 3, any browser, any device, if you are successful please post your OS and browser you used along with a screen shot of that addon listed in addons. If you fail, please also list which addon you tried, browser and OS.

    I am failing on all addons, all browsers, and currently support is blaming my cache on a single browser even though I have totally cleared the cache many times in IE(edge on windows 10) and Safari with the same result. Without cache error but nothing happens in IE, and cache error in Safari. I’m hoping to eliminate either my machines as the issue or C3 as the issue with help.


  • Same problem with IE on my computer, I can't add new addon's, I can select them, but it doesn't add them, so I am stuck with native, so I am trying to get it so that when I click on a tower, that a menu appears at that spot, they chose the tower they want, then the menu disappears, but the game doesn't pause during the selection, don't want it to, that's where I am currently stuck with C3.

  • same problem, unable to write to storage, the available quota might be full, try freeing up storage space on your device.

    I’ve even cleared my browser cache.

    No luck, can’t add any addons via my iPad in safari.

    This was happening before with the demo projects and Ashley had to do something on the server to fix it.

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  • All of these require Litetween and every attempt I’ve made to add add on to C3 fails, it either simply doesn’t add or gives an error. Going to do a bug report on addons later, but I need a way without addons apparently. Haven’t found any videos on that yet.

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Member since 1 Mar, 2016

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