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  • Well I thought I asked another question but apparently it didn't post.

    I was having some issues getting it to work on iOS because of cross domains/cors issues but I've managed to figure it out.

    If anyone else is having problems getting this to work on device then you just need to add this to your 'request url' & 'web_app_url' - add it to the front and then just have your normal google sheets/script request after the /


    It acts as a redirect to bypass the CORS requests.

    Hope that helps someone!

  • dop2000

    Sorry, just one more question if you have the time. It was working fine on the computer browser but wont load on iOS device.

    Is this something you know about? I've read some stuff about cross domain problems but unsure how to solve it in this scenario.


  • dop2000

    You absolute hero! That's exactly what I needed. It's working perfectly.


  • dop2000

    Thanks for a quick reply. Sorry, I think I explained poorly the first time.

    My Googlesheet has 2 columns & 200 rows. I basically am trying to add 10 values from an array that corresponds to 10 of the 200 objects & then +1 to the count.

    Like this

    Name Count
    Object1 12
    Object2 5
    Object3 4
    Object199 3
    Object200 12
  • dop2000

    Hi, I was just reading your tutorial and I follow it for the most part but I'm having trouble adding more values to the sheet.

    I want to send 10 values but I can't seem to get them to input correctly into the sheet.

    I would also like to add +1 to the current value in the cell but I'm not sure if thats correct either.

    If you had a minute, would you just be able to have a look at my code and tell me what I'm doing wrong?

    Much appreciated.

     sheet.getRange(e.parameter["number1"], 2).setValue((e.parameter["number1"], 2)+1);
     sheet.getRange(e.parameter["number2"], 2).setValue((e.parameter["number1"], 2)+1);
     sheet.getRange(e.parameter["number3"], 2).setValue((e.parameter["number1"], 2)+1);
     sheet.getRange(e.parameter["number4"], 2).setValue((e.parameter["number1"], 2)+1);
     sheet.getRange(e.parameter["number5"], 2).setValue((e.parameter["number1"], 2)+1);
     sheet.getRange(e.parameter["number6"], 2).setValue((e.parameter["number1"], 2)+1);
     sheet.getRange(e.parameter["number7"], 2).setValue((e.parameter["number1"], 2)+1);
     sheet.getRange(e.parameter["number8"], 2).setValue((e.parameter["number1"], 2)+1);
     sheet.getRange(e.parameter["number9"], 2).setValue((e.parameter["number1"], 2)+1);
     sheet.getRange(e.parameter["number10"], 2).setValue((e.parameter["number1"], 2)+1);
  • Hi guys,

    I'm looking to hire a developer for a minimum 3 month contract on a part time basis (20hrs a week/80hrs a month)

    I'm basically looking for someone to assist myself and my brother in updating our existing apps & games plus help us work on some new projects and test some ideas.

    We're not the most competent developers and find we enjoy designing far more, so we need some help.

    The projects would be all mobile based (iOS & Android) and most apps/games have pretty basic functionalities so it should be easy stuff for a half competent dev :D

    If you are interested, please e-mail me at: - I can give you more info then

    Please could you tell me your experience, links to your games and desired wage per month.

    Ideally you will have experience with Chaodoris Plugins (ads, iap, firebase, notifications)


  • bumppp anyone?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hi,

    Is it possible to record the game and users microphone (phone) at the same time and export as a synced video?

    I’ve seen some older posts saying it’s not possible. Just wondering if anyone knew any more or could recommend a plugin that did the job.


  • Sure thing.

    Thanks for your prompt reply! At least its a little reassuring it's probably not my mistake :D


  • Hey Nepeo or anyone else who might be able to shed some light..

    I'm currently having difficulties triggering the purchases of IAP on iOS. I've done the successfully many times before for other games but now I'm encountering some problems.

    Using the xcode inspector it seems like the IAPS are registering fine but it's throwing me an error 'Can't use IAP on multiple sheets'

    I run the app on my device and use the Safari debugger and this function is the one throwing the error:

    function deferThrow(err) { setTimeout(function() { throw err; }, 1); }

    TypeError: this._Post is not a function. (In 'this._Post("product-available",a)', 'this._Post' is undefined)

    I'm exporting from C3 as an xcode project.

    I've also tried removing the plugin and just having a simple test purchase but still getting the same error.

    Is this a problem that other people are having or is the something I've messed up somewhere?

    Any help greatly appreciated.


  • Sushil was great to work with. He helped me out with some pHP stuff and mechanics for my game.

    Everything worked perfectly & he worked fast.


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Member since 10 Feb, 2016

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