2dchaos's Recent Forum Activity

  • rexrainbow Is it possible to create objects by nickame that are in other layouts?

  • Thank you again rex, this plugin is going to be very useful

  • Thanks ramones, I think that�s what I�m looking for

  • Hi, is there any way that I can create an object by it�s name?

    An example of use would be:

    On Function "createObj" > Create object "function.param(0)" on layer "function.param(1)" on X "function.param(2)" and Y "function.param(3)"

    If not, is it difficult to create a plugin so I can have this functionality?


  • How about support for MIDI? ;P Don?t laugh, I?m serious!

  • Just a little usability suggestion, could we have the 5-10 most recently used folders when choosing the path to export the project?

    I�m constantly exporting projects for a project and that would very useful.


  • Wouldn�t it be funny if AMD bought CocoonJS? ;P

  • <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/6813637/ss_nano1.png" border="0">


    Nano is a small(no pun intended) game made in 48 hours for the SPJam last year, a Jam event made in S?o Paulo, Brazil.

    The theme of this jam was "Team", so we decided to get inspiration from the good old Blizzard, "Lost Vikings". ;]

    In the game you control 3 tiny little aliens who need to invade and destroy Earth, so they can colonize it and expand their evil empire.

    Each alien has an unique ability: blue can jump higher, green can turn into a ball and destroy enemies and red can...uh...be a great support for others! ;]~

    This is mostly a demo, with a few puzzles and a BOSS BATTLE of epic proportions.

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/6813637/ss_nano2.png" border="0">


    Move with the left and right arrows;

    Jump with the up arrow;

    Use A to change the alien you?re controlling;

    When using the green alien, press down to roll;

    Thanks for playing ;]

    Credits: Luciana Nascimento - Art, Me - Game Design & C2, Clovis Junior - Music and SFX

  • Hey Lucas, welcome to the forums. Good to see another brazilian developer here. ;]

    I suggest you explore the possibilities of C2 reading the manual and the tutorials and hang around the forums, everybody here is friendly and you can learn a lot from them. Also, show us your games too, there�s aways good feedback to be had.

    Good luck!

  • Anyone had experiences using FGL and care to share? ;]

  • Thank you, that was very useful info ;]

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Very nice game, are you using clay.io to manage the scores? ;] If so, how did you customize the gui? Thank you!

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