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  • I have finished prototyping my game in resolution similar to an nes with 8 bit sprites. Now I'm ready to start working on the hd artwork for it. My question is should I increase the game's viewport for the size of the new images or should I just resize them in contruct on the stage? Will it make a difference in quality and preformance in full screen? My HD artwork also includes normal maps, and lighting effects.

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  • C Engine — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!

    <p>This game template includes the basics to create a Contra style run and gun game. </p><p>It includes support for 2 players, controllers, changing player colors, lives select, firing in 8 directions, multiple weapons types, a charge shot weapon example, basic enemy ai types, item containers, pause, game over, boss and basic ending cinematic.</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about C Engine

  • I was recently testing out the bump mapping fx. I love how it works and the effect it gives.

    However I've encountered a problem and no clue on if there is a work around for it.

    Basically I'm using it on character sprites which do have alphas in the png files. the problem I'm receiving is that the entire image square has the effect applied to it and not just the character pixels. The result is a gradient around the character. It's not noticeable on black backgrounds or objects. But when the sprite is overlaying anything colored, its very visible. I am creating the normal maps in photoshop with the nvidia plug in and have quite a bit of experience when creating normal and bump maps for game engines.

    Is there a setting i'm missing or a work around? any help would be greatly appreciated.

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  • Been tinkering with building a 8-bit style game with all the assets being drawn in the old resolution for it.

    Is it better to build it in a the smaller resolution style and stretch it to full screen or build it in a modern resolution with the assets already enlarged for it? A majority of the art is 8bit pixel style, but the effects used in particles, and shaders are modern. I can see some of these more modern looking elements looking bad if their being up-scaled instead of already made at a modern size. If I were to go with a current resolution/aspect ratio, whats the best one to go for? My target is browsers/pc in wide screen.

    Any thoughts or advice would be apreciated.

  • Was pretty surprised to see gamemaker on there. I had heard that it didn't play too nice with steam for a while.... perhaps their willingness to fix that, is what helped them out... or Valve helped them out. It makes sense for for either one to happen now that green light is live giving indie games a better chance.

    Gmaker is on there pushing their steam support. 3d coat is pushing their Team Fortess 2 export. 3d mark is obvious benchmarking standard. Then theres art rage, a rather inexpensive art app that could relate to various parts of game and game fan art. Their all Valve, Steam or Steam community friendly.

    Maybe that is what C2 needs... someway for it to play nice with steam and make games that can be ran in steam... a traditional windows exe

    with the support needed without any third party tools to export it. Additionally it would need all the bells and whistles of steam intergration. That would also help grab their attention.

    If C2/html5 is the future; then steam is currently the bridge to it. Its time to put a sign on the bridge so people know how to get there.

  • I'm having a problem related to appmobi and touch. At first I thought maybe it was my game, but then I just tried to create a super quick test and run it through appmobi and then on the ipad2, still the same problem.

    I'm trying to set the location of an object to touch.x and touch.y However, the object is always going into the top left corner of the screen on the ipad.

    touch>on touch start>sprite> set position (touch.x, touch.y)

    working with C2 101. Using appmobi with canvas on. No problems like this during testing on the pc, or in browsers or ipad safari. Scaling mode and retina have no effect on it. This is the only touch related problem I've had.

  • the only reason I can see it doing better is because its pushing mobile development harder than web. Thats the current fad right now.

  • When it comes to your typical exe style pc game, getting on steam can make a huge a difference. It is just too large of an audience to ignore. Some games like super meat boy would not have seen close to its current level of success without it. If someone is really focused on getting on steam, wouldn't building a version on Construct Classic be more suited?

    But for an html5 game, I'm not quite sure. its a different beast.

    I'm sure an html5 based game wrapped up will get on there eventually. Its more about quality than how it was made. Valve is a smart enough company to know when its time to really start pushing streaming games through steam. When that happens, getting on steam could be very helpful.

    For now i'd be more concerned and focused on facebook or mobile markets with c2.

  • Better performance in ios & droid, and money stuff.

    Smaller stuff: duck & jump down through platformer options, grid snapping for collision box drawing

  • Photoshop, flash, skechbook pro for 2d. max, unwrap 3d and zbrush for 3d

  • april fools no doubt...

    just close and open and its gone... really threw me off guard. haven't seen a program or game do an april fools like this since TFC

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Member since 9 Feb, 2012

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