boulerzzz's Recent Forum Activity

  • What should the string look like when you want to send user-user notifications?

    plugin says "Like: {app_id:'xxxxxxxx',contents:{en:'Message'}} Read more here: ... tification"

    The link is dead. Where do I place the recievers ID?

  • Thanks!

    I wish you good luck in your projects too! :]

  • Hi!

    So my problem is I cannot export to IOS atm because i'm getting the "error fetching data.js" when the game starts.

    This problem really started on r250 but at that time it worked fine by just replacing the version number "25000" in the .caproj file with "24900" before export and the error would go away. Now that does not work anymore since I was upgraded to 252 (my last update on IOS was 12.1.2018 and that worked fine by replacing version number with "24900")...

    I don't really understand this but maybe it would work if could go back to the 250 version (or older) again. What does the version number in the caproj really do? Is lowering that number the same thing as using an older version of C2?

  • Hi! Thank you!

    I used a json file with all the translations for the game. Its not that many strings after all. There are open source projects that have alot of game translations you can use.

    My friend has alot of word lists he has made, and for some languages you can even find free lists you can use in your projects! Word lists are huge but I just needed words that are 3-6 letters long. I have different files with 3, 4, 5 and 6 letter words for each language.

    The silhouette guessing I generated by using a black sprite and effects. I don't remember exactly how I did but there was a great tutorial on effects somewhere!

    (If I remember correctly I used a black sprite with the "source atop" blend mode and placed it above the animal. That layer also has force own texture set to "yes")

  • I have made simpler multiplayer games (turn based) using Firebase with great success!

    Rexrainbow made some great plugins for Firebase.

    You can find them here:

    He also has tutorials and examples of his plugins!

  • Hola guys!

    I've been working a project called Word Challenge lately. There was a game called Word Challenge on Facebook before but they removed it so the only way to play was to make my own game.

    If you remember the game or just like word/puzzle games try this one out!

    ANDROID version:

    IOS version:

    The supported languages are:

    • English

    • Français

    • Deutsch

    • Svenska

    • ???????

    • Suomi

    • Româna

    • Norsk

    • Español

    • ?????????

    • Türkçe

    • Italiano

    • Nederlands

    • Dansk

    • Català

  • Hello again!

    After doing some research I could not find any problems with the Localstorage plugin so I started looking into the iphone and after cleaning the history and data from safari localstorage now works like its supposed to!

    I cant understand why tho and I dont know if I can rely on Localstorage to work. Anyone has any further info about this?

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  • I now found out this is a MASSIVE problem for people.

    Here the discussion about it on cocoon forum:

    Maybe the issue is on cocoons end? Any chance localstorage will work with phonegap or XDK? I guess ill have to try...

    This is darn annoying tho

  • Yo!

    I've built a super nice game and its on google play already and working great!

    However I can't seem to get the localstorage to work on IOS!

    I'm using the cocoon option since I am very familiar with it and it has been working great for me. I have to use the webview+ export option since my game uses the firebase server to send data between players and would not work in canvas+ (localstorage works in canvas+). Now for some reason IOS (not android, works great in android) clears the localstorage when you close the app so the data is lost 100%.

    Does anyone know an alternative to localstorage we can use?

  • R0J0hound I should have explained my problem better. So I've got dictionaries that contain all 3 letter, 4 letter, 5 letter and 6 letter words in the English language. Now I wanted to check how many of these words that can be created with the 6 characters the computer randomly generates.

    For example if I have these letters: [E,c,r,s,u,i] I could spell "cruise" or "rise".

    Originally I made a loop that generated all possible combinations. I then checked how many matches this list would get in each dictionary. (obviously removing letters from right when checking the dictionaries with words fewer than 6 letters.)

    The problem with that solution was that it generated combinations like eeeeec,eeeeer and so on. Basically it used every character more than once so I ended up with about 40k combinations. Naturally that resulted in too many matches because the player can use every character only once.

    I figured out that there are 720 combinations if you use every letter only once.

    If you have these 6 letters. [abcdef] you can create 720 6 character combinations

    (ab) (ba) then add third character

    [(cab) (acb) (ABC)] [(cba) (bca) (bac)] then add 4th character

    (dcab) (cdab) (cadb) (cabd).... The last line would be 720 combinations. I wanted to take these combinations and replace the characters with whatever letters the computer gave me and check how many matches that would give me in the dictionaries with English words.

    Then when the letters change it would automatically check how many words that can be created with the new set of letters.

    korbaach I will look at the capx and see what I can make of it when I get home tommorow or later this week. I only got access to my cellphone now so I can't open construct for a while.

    I hope you understand what I am trying to do. I'm not very used to producing text in English since its not my first or even second language but I tried to the best of my ability.

    Thank you for the help!

    Edit: ... generator/ found this on internet while browsing! This is what I'm talking about. Generate a dictionary with all combinations of 6 characters by using every character only once.

  • R0J0hound The thing is the values of l1-l6 changes every now and then, which generates new combinations. The dictionary must automatically be updated with the new combinations.

    I still dont really understand why the dictionary recognizes the values of global variables l1-l6 when I add "l1&l2&l3&l4&l5&l6" into the dictionary manually but when I load from a json file it remains as just "l1&l2&l3&l4&l5&l6"

    It would work if I add all 720 combinations manually into the dictionary but that would take forever! (not really but almost).

  • I got a json file with 720 values that I load into my dictionary.

    Problem is: I would like the dictionary to recognize the values that l1,l2,l3,l4,l5 and l6 are.

    so l1&l2&l3&l4 should be abcd

    Never used dictionaries or json files before so I dont know if this even is possible

    Anyone know how to get the values that the global variables for l1-l6 have into the dictionary ?

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