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    Its a bug. Hope it will get fixed soon!

  • No the app is not set to live yet. Yes my friends are added as testers so if ad requests work they should be able to see them.

  • Yes it works on my phone now (both interstitials and rewarded videos). But only if I open the game from the facebook app. If I open my game from messenger I can't load any ads at all on my phone (android 8.0). So I was doing everything correct but I should have opened the game from facebook, not messenger (which makes no sense)

    I will have a few friends try on their devices from the messenger app to check if its only my phone that's got a problem.

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  • fredriksthlm

    I always tested from within messenger app. When I opened the app from the facebook app it all of a sudden worked...

    I knew I was doing wrong, and I'm glad I found out what it was!

  • I'm getting some action when using the browser...

    It loads the interstitials from the browser, but not rewarded videos. I remember reading somewhere in the facebook docs rewarded videos only load on mobile so its probably not supported yet.

    Why doesn't facebook recognize ad requests made from my phone? I would really need to test rewarded ads on my phone to confirm everything is working.

    Edit: yes the browser does not support rewarded videos.

    main.js:1 [Instant Games] Failed to load ad: a {code: "CLIENT_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", message: "Client does not support the message: getrewardedvideoasync"

  • In the debugger it just says "waiting for requests" even though I try load ads from my game. I'm testing on my phone (if that makes any difference)

  • Damn I'm gonna have to bump this one my boys.

    I still can't get this to work.

    I have no idea why this ain't working! Feels like I've tried everything but no luck.

    1. I have created my placement

    2. I have also created my ad space

    3. My app is linked in the business manager

    4. I load the ads

    5. I have added payment method

    I can't load an ad. Whenever I load one it will only trigger the "load ad error" event! What more do we need to do??

  • Thank you! Your collection has a lot of stuff I need for my games!

  • I knew Fredrik would save my day!

    yeah its not Construct related but was not sure where to ask.. :D So I have to sent it in for review in order to test ads?

    oh nice i'll try the latest beta!

    Btw looking at your name you must be from Stockholm! Lived in Solna for a while myself, before moving back to Finland. Great place, wonderful people!

  • Hi

    I'm trying to learn how to implement ads into your instant game.

    So I've added my audience network to my app and created the ad space and ad placements.

    But I keep getting a warning about "Select a format for your first ad placement". I have selected my format already!

    I tried deleting my app and create it again.

    I tried creating a new business

    I tried creating a new payment option

    What am I missing?

    Also does anyone have a good method for keeping track of what ads have been loaded?

    For example if I want to load both an interstitial and Reward video at the start of a level so they are ready when the player dies or completes the level.

    Or if I want to show a button when the reward video has loaded. But the "on ad loaded" would be triggered even if only the interstitial was loaded.

    How do I know both of them have been loaded? There is no "interstitial loaded" or "video loaded" condition? :D

  • I always redirect to the app page on android. Its not perfect, but it's what we've got atm. And unlike on IOS I think it's fine to do so still.

    Remember that apple really don't like when we redirect users with the action=write-review. I think they now require you to use their SKStoreReviewController so players can rate an app without leaving it.

    A "review app" plugin for ios and android would be nice!

  • fredriksthlm

    Thank you! This plugin has such potential to create a strong social element to your game!

    I feel so dumb but for some reason I thought connected players meant players connected to the game right now (e.g. playing at the moment when leaderboard is requested lol...)

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