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  • Yes, yes. I wanted to change frame speed with events, I know I can change I from animation properties

    I will just have every frame as separate animation. That will do 😊

  • The problem is I don't want to change speed of all animation. Just specific frame. Other frame must be independent.

    Oh... I didn't understant at first time. Well, maybe having every sprite as different animation will work. I can set playing one after another stops, then control the speed of them separetly. Yes, I think it'll work

  • So I want to change speed of specific frame with the code... so I won't have to create 100 animations with same sprites, but will have just one, which will be controled with the code...


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  • Hey,

    thanks for advice!

    I will make that improvements on next update

  • So, my first game is in the store

    Unfortunately it's silent because of the WP and HTML5 audio issues. Nevermind

    You can download it here for your WP:

    Or you can scan QR code with your phone

    Also you can play online on my website:

    Some screenshots:

    Soon the game will be available on desktop Windows Store (hopefully with sound )

  • I think Scirra should change the list on their main site.

    So much time wasted, so many nerves. No solution. You waste your time, you make your game, you make a song for it. And then you can't f_^%in play it.

  • Ok, I think I've found the cause: SOUND. If any sound is playing when minimising (music, menu sounds or whatever), then the minimising crashes. If I turn off all music inside the project, then it works ok. This is getting ridiculous.

  • Damn, I don't know how to get rid of it

  • Hi,

    I'm getting really tired of this. I bought Construct 2 thinking that I will do some apps for Windows Phone 8.1. God I was so wrong. First the sound issues, now this. I can't get through certification process. They send me something like this:

    Notes To Developer

    The app's core functions are not usable.

    Steps to Reproduce:

    1. Launch the app.

    2. Start the game

    3. Notice the core functionalities are not working .

    Tip: A Windows app may run flawlessly during development and testing, but after submitting it for certification testing, the app may crash or perform unexpectedly. Along these same lines, your app may not perform as expected after publication. This resource,, explains the most common reasons for this along with remedies.

    On my device game works fine (except the fact that after minimising, it doesn't come back - I can't find solution for this). But as it's written above, testing deployed SDK version is NOT actually testing. I can't find option to upload package as Beta Release.

    I'm getting really frustrated... First I had to cut my game in half now I can't even publish it <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad">

    The game can be found here: ... eride-3257

  • What do you mean by access data? What kind of data ?:) From the internet for example? On 2 layouts I hvae Ajax command to get highscores.

    Visual Studio only shows one warning: This app references Microsoft.Phone.WinJS.2.1, version 1.0.9651.0, found in your SDK, but you have a higher version of Microsoft.Phone.WinJS.2.1 installed on the target machine, 1.0.9651.40228. If you continue to run this application, it will run against the currently installed version, Microsoft.Phone.WinJS.2.1, version 1.0.9651.40228. Consider updating your SDK to match the version of Microsoft.Phone.WinJS.2.1 that is installed.

    But it shows this warning also on the app that minimise properly.

  • Well, I did clean capx. And here minimising is ok. Hmmm. I don't know why. At first I thought it was because I have more than one layouts in my game, so I added one, but doesn;t change anything. The is minimising fine - return works.

    Vibrate doesn't work though. ... STING.capx


    However, in this clean capx, there is no data to remeber. No variables, no position, nothig. So I don't know...

  • Sorry

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