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  • I'm asking this out of curiosity. Do you guys prefer multiple event sheets, one for crafting, inventory, gameplay etc. etc. or everything in one under groups?

  • Thank you newt and kidswithcrowns, being able to do it in two actions is quite amazing! This is made my day thanks again, works like a charm =]]

  • That does work for the Trees, but when I try to do the same Sort via an instance variable for the Player (except every tick) it fails... Do you know why that happens?

  • I had the same exact problem, so I had to make a little system using the UTC time plugin (It's included in the project), where when the app is quit, it saves the current time and when you enter the game again it compares the time, and calculates stuff. I have that system setup in the file, it's pretty easy, just analyze it a bit and I'm sure you'll be able to take it and adjust it to your needs. I hope it helps.

    (I have marked two comments in Red, and in between them is the code you need)...

    What the code does: Basically when the Game Suspends it saves the current time into the variables and then when you enter the game starts On Start Of Layout it calculates the time passed in Seconds and puts it into a variable called timePassed. Then you can use timePassed to calculate the size of the reward while you were offline or if a day has passed (timePassed > 86400) (86,400 seconds = 24 Hours) give the player the daily reward.

  • I'm trying to create an effect where it looks like the Sprites are actually in a 3D World instead of a 2D.

    So if a Tree is higher (on Y) in a layout, it should be behind the one that is closer. You can see what I mean on the picture; it just looks wrong, some Trees are over others, when they shouldn't be.

    Code: The player has ImagePoint(1) at his feet and Trees have ImagePoint(0) at the bottom of a Tree's trunk. In my eyes this code is working and I've tried different methods using variables, but nothing really worked correctly, I'd gladly do even do it a different way, just so it finally works.

    Layer order: ObjectsUnderPlayer, Player, Objects

  • I haven't tried it, but it's worth a shot;

    Run this code on start of layout

    window.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) { // space and arrow keys if([32, 37, 38, 39, 40].indexOf(e.keyCode) > -1) { e.preventDefault(); } }, false);

    via this plugin

  • What Unity is for 3D, Construct 3 is for 2D. You can make a lot of simple games, but if you want you can even create very thorough and complex games. The limit is you, not the engine. It has a very flat learning curve as well. And it even exports to all the major operating systems.

  • Never knew you could debug arrays, after doing it, it was clear what I needed to fix. Thank you for this and for the "For each X element" tip =]

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Am rebuilding my crafting system from scratch again to make it easier for me to add more recipes. Doing so I came across this issue which is documented in the image below, so any sort of explanation why this is happening would help a bunch.

    p.s. Line 3 and 4 still output 0 even if i set the value to 5 instead of "Stone".

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  • Thanks Danny =D

    Edit: Only way to edit the post is to go to the page via link as well, no button found for it. I really like the blog and entire website, just feels and looks so good, so I hope we may use the Blogs :P.


    I've also spotted that whenever I or someone else creates a post, there is automatically 2 Following. Looks like a bug to me. I tried unfollowing my created post, but then there's still 1 ghosty-goo Following :|

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Member since 27 Sep, 2015

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