YoHoho's Recent Forum Activity

  • How would I setup my game so that when a level is completed, the game proceeds to whatever layout I want. For example, I would like to go in this order: Lv1 -> Lv2 -> Midboss -> Lvl3 -> World 1 Boss.

    Also, what ways could I incorporate a 'level skip' in a game?

  • What I'm working on is an action game where the player uses (1) character and takes a certain number of turns to attack the enemies on screen. Then, when the player runs out of turns, the enemies will attempt to attack the player in an assigned order based on a timer.

    The enemies have an attack order ex. #1 to #5 (first to fifth). When it's time for the enemy's turn, the attack order starts at #1. Then, 1 second passes and the attack order increases up 1 to #2 and so on. Once the order ends at #5, everything resets and the player has their turn to attack again.

    I'm having a problem getting the attack order increase to trigger on a timer; not sure about using global or instance variables to have a timer activated. Also, how would this work if the player uses up to (4) characters with (1) turn each?

    Any help/info that could be provided would be appreciated. I can also make the .capx available if needed.

  • After all of this time, I have never been able to figure out how to even create a local variable properly.

    This Global plugin addon looks like a great solution that I will definitely try.

  • I made this demo for another post recently:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/0ex32akdcl7s2 ... .capx?dl=0

    You'll need CSV plugin to open it:


    As for the button, you can change its appearance with CSS, but I prefer using sprites.

    Thanks. I'll give it a look over.

  • I'm trying to put together a shop that allows the player to unlock new team members when they have enough currency: combination of coins and gems. If the player has enough coins and gems, then the player can select to unlock the new team member, and those coins and gems are subtracted from the total.

    I couldn't get the subtraction to work at all. On top of that, I'm not sure whether it's better to use my own created sprite OR use the 'Buttons' function. Can 'Buttons' have their look/art changed?

    And why is the most recent tutorial for 'in-game shop' from 2012? Any help would be appreciated.

  • Do you mean you want to set the tilemap's tilesheet image from any other image? If you have the URL of that image (ie: if it's a project file, or a file hosted and accessible from elsewhere) you can use the 'Load image from URL' action on the Tilemap.

    Do you mean you want to be able to import an image at runtime and draw the tile with one pixel per tile? In which case you need to load the image into a sprite, draw the sprite at [0,0], then run a 2D loop that will check every cell in your array. For example:

    > For "x" from 0 to ( Tilemap.Width / Tilemap.Tilewidth )
    For "y" from 0 to ( Tilemap.Width / Tilemap.Tilewidth )
    Gives you a loop which iterates over every cell in the tilemap. You'll need a way of indexing the tiles to pixel colours, but the pixel colour can be determined using this lovely line from @R0J0hound:
    Browser.ExecJS("var canvas=document.getElementById('c2canvas');
    var ctx=canvas.getContext('2d');
    var pixel=ctx.getImageData("&loopindex( "x" )&","&loopindex( "y" )&",1,1);

    Well, I really want to take any picture I may have or obtain, turn it into a tilemap (outside of Construct 2/3) and then import it into the program to use how I wish.

  • Is there such a thing available for use in Construct 2 or 3? Not that I wouldn't mind using a bunch of sprites...

  • I haven't created an array as of yet using a more recent tutorial, so I'm trying to figure out how to do this without one.

    Basically, I'm trying to create a set of events that would work as follows:

    1) Player goes to 'Team Edit' menu screen

    2) Player has 5 of 12 unlocked characters

    3) Player must fill 4 spots on their team

    4) Player selects 1 member for each spot; can replace any character with another available

    5) Player can empty all spots at once by choosing 'Reset Team'

    I've been working on it but I'm sure someone may have an easier way of setting this up easier than I could. Any help would be appreciated, along with links to any good AND recent array tutorials for me to look over. Thanks in advance.

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  • illugion updated link

    I've been tinkering with this .capx example and I wanted to know how I would go about making any adjustments.

    • Can you multiply the rubber bands?
    • Can you adjust the length?
    • Can you make the rubber bands disappear/reappear at random?

    I've only really managed to move the rubber band to another space on the layout. Any help would be appreciated.

  • Man, no offense, but this is the most terrible project I've ever seen. It's a total mess..

    It's absolutely impossible to figure out what's going on and how is it supposed to work.

    You have 20 sprites and all of them are called "SpriteXX"?

    Layout has 11 layers, most of which consist of just 1 object?

    Variables called "obj" and "src"?

    And your project size is 40Mb?


    ::Drink spat out onto monitor:: LMAO!

  • Use the itch.io link in the first post, dropbox doesn't work anymore for live publishing.

    OK, I thought you had a .capx to download and look over.

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