On whatever the action is that completes the level system > go to layout > layout name
Do this in each level for the next level. Same idea for the level skip, except that whatever it is that allows the level skip is where you put in the go to layout.
so say they reached a door that leads to next level setup the condition on collision with object door and action system go to layout level 2
if they got a certain item in the level that allows the skipping of level 2 add a sub condition with a variable setup for that item being obtained
so conditions:
on collision with object door
if level skip is true
system go to layout level 3
does that make sense?
Well, I can see myself creating an event sheet just for this which won't be a problem since I'm not versed in arrays. But how exactly do I put together the event of 'On Level 1' -> If Complete -> Go to Layout 'Name'? I don't see an 'On Layout Name' event.
Would I have to put together a system that requires comparing 2 global variables? I think I can manage something like that, but I'm not sure how to get the number out of my 'Layout Name' somehow to integrate it with a global variable that matches itself.