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  • I still need some help on this. I've tried having the system spawn a new catapult box but the mechanic wouldn't work correctly. And other attempts have lead to multiple spawns or the catapult mechanic just won't work. I want to take this project further and this is holding me up.

  • OK. I think I tried the Layer scale and that looked weird so I'll try the Layout scale. What about resetting the catapult mechanic so that wherever the Mario object ends up, the catapult star block will reappear on it and reset the mechanic? That's the thing that's really holding me up.

  • Did you document how you put this thing together? I would totally want to look this over and put together something of my own. Maybe a template to d/l perhaps?

  • I'm looking into adding a feature where the game screen will ZOOM IN on the Mario object when it hits and destroys the enemies, along with slowing down the speed (a slow-mo action shot). I also want to reset the slingshot mechanic which I can get to work. Any help would be appreciated.


  • Now that I have the 'slingshot' mechanic working that allows the sprite object to fly and bounce around the layout hitting other objects, I'm looking to have the catapult sprite reset its location to where the Mario sprite object ends up after it loses all speed. I also want the screen to shake whenever the Mario sprite object hits the other sprite objects.

    Any help with this would be appreciated.

  • "2. Have a separate Layout just for graphics, therefore they are always available to the project."

    ... You can do that? Why hasn't this been mentioned in every tutorial I've watched? Good to know.

  • OK, I was able to get the slingshot mechanic working using the 'catapult game' template. Now I'm looking to change things with the physics and such.

    1) Once the player 'lets go', the sprite object with slide across the layout like a puck on an air hockey table, hitting other sprite objects and ricocheting off of walls.

    2) Gradually, the sprite object loses velocity over time (would like to be able to adjust this for different sprite objects)

    3) Once the sprite object comes to a complete stop, the player is capable of performing the 'slightshot' mechanic again on it.

    This is the point where I'm not sure what to do. I thought the 'slingshot' mechanic wasn't working with my sprite object until I changed its properties. Is it better to change the sprite object's properties or to change things in the Events?

  • I'm looking into figuring out how to accomplish the action of a slingshot pull -> launch mechanic.

    These are the steps:

    1) Player mouse clicks down (holds down) on the sprite object

    2) Player moves cursor away/around sprite object

    3) An indicator of direction/force is shown to inform the player of what direction/how far the sprite object will travel

    4) Player unclicks the mouse

    5) Sprite object flies off in determined direction with indicated force

    6) Sprite object bounces off of walls/objects until its velocity runs out

    I want to say that I am just surprised at how far I've gotten with creating working game builds using Construct 2. I have no idea how people can use 'That other 2D game engine with the G and M words'. It just made me crazy even following a tutorial.

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  • What exactly is the event for showing the laser bouncing in the reflected direction? I was following a physics puzzle game tutorial that includes such a mechanic and I wanted to implement a "laser guide" system that shows the player where the ball will bounce to.

  • I really like how this turned out, and hope to work on something with your template in the future. I do have a few ideas.

    • Kill Focus Camera (the camera zooms in on the enemy OR player kill, showing it in slow motion)
    • Optional Limited 4/8 direction attack aiming (I'm one of those gamers strictly playing on consoles; mouse aim will never work for myself and many others)

    That's all I can think of without giving ideas specific to my own game mechanics I'd use in my game.

  • Yup, that worked. I didn't think of combining those 2 things. It also fixed my original "Pin to Object" problem when the "Arrow Lines" actually detached from the "Arrow" objects once the 1st one was destroyed. Thanks for the suggestion.

  • https://www.dropbox.com/s/94zr7wuf61m3vmk/MusicGame%20Test%201.capx?dl=0

    Not sure what happened when I originally tried to post this so I'm trying again.

    I'm trying to use the "Container" property to attach "Arrow Lines" to my multiple "Arrow" objects with a Bullet behavior. For some reason, I can't see the "Arrow Lines" attached once I start the build. I checked in the Debug and the "Arrow Lines" are there and they are destroy once the "Arrow" objects are destroyed.

    Still, I can't see the things and I need them to be visible so I can test my game mechanics. Any help would be appreciated.

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