Adding Zoom In On Object + Mechanic Reset

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From the Asset Store
Customize the animation of character when item changed
  • I'm looking into adding a feature where the game screen will ZOOM IN on the Mario object when it hits and destroys the enemies, along with slowing down the speed (a slow-mo action shot). I also want to reset the slingshot mechanic which I can get to work. Any help would be appreciated.

  • Scale is the parameter you want to fiddle with. Either layer or layout scale.

  • OK. I think I tried the Layer scale and that looked weird so I'll try the Layout scale. What about resetting the catapult mechanic so that wherever the Mario object ends up, the catapult star block will reappear on it and reset the mechanic? That's the thing that's really holding me up.

  • I still need some help on this. I've tried having the system spawn a new catapult box but the mechanic wouldn't work correctly. And other attempts have lead to multiple spawns or the catapult mechanic just won't work. I want to take this project further and this is holding me up.

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  • Sorry for the reply delay, I was traveling for the holidays.

    Our game is still using the r206 version of Construct, so I can't get your capx working to run it, but I did look at your events, etc.

    You might have some layering problems too. Is your event supposed to happen on Layout 2? Because all of your events are currently on Event Sheet 1, which is inherently tied to Layout 1. If you want to add Event Sheet 1 to Layout 2 also, you need to specify by selecting the layer and setting the "Event sheet" to Event Sheet 1.

    However, the actual actions should look like this ( I believe ):

    You would need to change the layer too from "Action" to "Layer 0" if you wanted this to happen on Layout 2.

  • Sorry, I can't actually see the image you've posted for some reason.

    I only want to get the actions working on Layout 1; Layout 2 is just a holder for all of my assets to be present in the project. I'm still looking to get this working so that I can try and make a fully working build.

  • Sorry for the reply delay, I was traveling for the holidays.

    Our game is still using the r206 version of Construct, so I can't get your capx working to run it, but I did look at your events, etc.

    You might have some layering problems too. Is your event supposed to happen on Layout 2? Because all of your events are currently on Event Sheet 1, which is inherently tied to Layout 1. If you want to add Event Sheet 1 to Layout 2 also, you need to specify by selecting the layer and setting the "Event sheet" to Event Sheet 1.

    However, the actual actions should look like this ( I believe ):

    You would need to change the layer too from "Action" to "Layer 0" if you wanted this to happen on Layout 2.

    Not sure if quoting you directly will get attention (not that I'm stalking you or anything, LOL). Also, it seems that the catapult mechanic works in a way that depending on how fast you pulled the object back will determine how fast it flies. Or, does that have to do with my use of the Bullet behavior?

  • Yea, that is good.

    You can use the bullet behavior, but you have to use mechanical considerations to determine the initial velocity and angle. I think Layer management is your primary issue though, no the bullet problem.

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