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    At this juncture everything works fine for my game too. But Linux and Mac builds are out of the running, because Greenworks plugin doesn’t work properly (black screen on Linux builds). There are two ways for me: 1. upload on steam Linux and Mac build without achievements and overlay 2. forget about Linux and mac players (10% of all players or so).

    , MadSpy thanks for your help! Just tested overlay, works perfect!

    Absolutely nothing.

    Thank you very much. Can't wait to test it at home that evening.

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    Steam overlay works for me (AMD GPUs apparently do not have an issue with it), but NV GPUs may or may not work, it's a bit random.

    I'm sorry, but what exactly should I do in construct's events to activate overlay?

    Btw, NW.js 0.13 is actually fine and really good in stability & performance.

    Yep! I'm really glad. But now I need to enable Steam overlay (it simply not working) and disable F12 button for exported nw.js (it shows developer's tool). And try to make things works with Mac and Linux builds.

    If I well remember...

    Awesome! It works with SDK 1.36 + nw.js 0.13.2 + greenworks 0.13.0. No black screens, no any problems, achievements works fine!

    Are you in preview?

    In exported nw.js win32 and win64 builds

    Greenworks is only for nw13 not for nw15

    Black screen anyway (just reinstalled nw).

    Black screen on greenworks-0.13.0 + nwjs 0.15 + steamworks 1.37.

    I am frustrated.

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Member since 28 Jul, 2015

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