Cryptwalker's Recent Forum Activity

  • Minimalism at its best. This is definitely one of the better ones i've played lately. Kinda reminds me of those N++ games, and thats a good thing.

  • I foresee the future to be drag and drop 2D and 3D game creation.

    You will choose from a plethora of of 2D or 3D characters and objects with pre-programmed but modifiable behaviors and effects and you will choose your layout, effects and scenery and type of game and just drop them in place and the engine does the rest.

    No event scripting and just modify object settings for how you want them to behave.



    That would open up game design to many more artists that have no interest in programming or writing events.

    Next thing you know is we'll have a game engine app that only requires you to push a button to make an awesome game and it'll do it. No other effort needed.

  • All three provide visual scripting, offer a good 2d editor, and are being rewritten,...

    Hmm...if Fusion 3 is anything like 2.5.....meh. Of course i haven't been following the development of Fusion3 that much. Probably because I just couldn't get into MMF's spreadsheet weirdness at all. So far nothing has comes close to the ease and and sensibility of C2 (development wise).....yet. However, like what was stated before, there are pros and cons to everything. And because of this i've also been taking a closer look at other stuff too lately.

  • It isn't the only one, it wasn't the first, it's currently the best but it probably won't be when it's grandfather gets a rewrite later this year...

    Eh..? Tell me more about this....

  • VMware Fusion?

    Lets me run Windows 10 on my MacBook Pro, hence allows me to develop with C2 while using a Mac (for now...).

    anything with exploding red barrels gets my vote but


    Exploding red barrels should be in every game .

  • [quote:3t5it9ar]Even if the game is a very small one, being made using html5 and pushing it hard definitely makes it nearly impossible to port on consoles without recoding everything from scratch (= more expensive than the money a niche game like mine could ever bring back).

    This is why i keep....ugh.....oh well....

  • Running on VMware Fusion on a MacBook Pro. Notice the drop in FPS and high CPU usage.

    Still waiting on C3 to finally arrive so that I can actually work on this without having to use a VM...

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  • Just a little project i've been working on the past couple of months.

  • So what exactly will C3 be offering that not only sets it apart from the giants in the market but also justifies a subscription?

    Everyone is wondering the exact same thing right now. But fear not. The info dribble will clear all questions and concerns.

    As much as I want to get all the info for C3 right away, this information dribble that Scirra is purposely doing does keep me looking forward to the next bit of info as it gets released. Well played Scirra....well silly ninnies. You got my attention...

  • So we all in agreement here?

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