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  • Since it actually works, for the most part - i pretty do like it. Yep....i really do. The new web interface is quite nice and scales very well on my 4k screen - as compared to C2 (best to run C3 in "desktop" mode rather than in browser). Its blazing fast to load now which is great. But everything feels familiar yet very light weight. Had to look around for a few things but for the most part they were there. To top it off....i'm now able to run this on my Mac. I built a simple little game in the past couple hours on it which I may continue on later if some of the limitations such as layers (one of the best things about working in C2) and events were increased.

  • Yah, just stumbled upon it a couple minutes later. Thanks though!

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  • Is the grid feature on the layouts available on C3 yet? Can't seem to find it.

  • I can't get this to work on the Mac...the whole "more tools" menu doesn't have the add to desktop functionality like on the PC. Any other way to get this to run on the Mac without the all the bars and stuff?

  • In an ironic twist...within a couple minutes of each other, I get the email that C3 beta is live for testing, as well as the email for the GameMakerStudio 2 Mac Beta access. Its as almost they've been waiting for this and been trying to catch me at the same time....heh...

  • The updates usually shows up right around when i'm waking up (EST here...) so i'm hoping to see the launch in the morning right when i'm having breakfast. So being that it's about 2:30am right now....i'm gonna just hit the rack. My wife's getting annoyed .

  • Well, I guess everyone has their own opinion about that. For me the events are visual programming (but still a modern form of programming), a form to develop algorithms.

    The event based configuring of C2 is definitely a form of programming. Its just at a much higher level of abstraction. You're still giving commands to the machine (computer) to do something. However, the more abstract you get, the less lower level control you will have of the hardware as opposed to traditional programming language. And at that point, programming can get quite difficult (for a lot of folks). But in most game dev tools, that hardware interaction is already handled by the game engine so you just need to focus building the game and optimizing it properly. In the case with C2, we're just basically building a very fancy looking web-page.

  • That, I'm sorry to say it falls far away from "no programming required" statement on the front page. This is why I wanted to know if v3 is bringing something else to the table ore is addressing the same market segment.

    Well the term "programming" in the actual sense can mean many things. You can "program" your microwave and you can "program" your alarm clock. But writing code for software/hardware is also "programming" as you're programming the computer to do something (like execute all these commands to display something that you can thus interact with). What Scirra means when they say "no programming required" is that your not required to write code to use C2. Out of the box, with some simple event-based configuring, you can actually make a game very quickly. C3 is going to be pretty much the same thing as C2 with enhanced features and web based.

  • I prefer pixel art, if it's *good*. It requires polish and skill to look appealing, just like any game art.

    Exactly this. There are different qualities of pixel art, just as there is for vector art or any other type of art style.

  • Voted, looks good.

  • Jayjay - wow, even back when it was still in C2 it still looked *incredible*! But yeah i have to agree, the added lighting effects with Unity does make it pop out even more. Well i'm convinced. Gonna back this one on kickstarter....BTW, how big are the posters gonna be?

  • Ah, thats good to know! BTW, great demo so far. Would you still have a demo of the C2 version around? I'm interested in seeing the performance differences.

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