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  • Ahh, so like: if these buttons are pressed ->disable other buttons sort of thing?

  • https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/202/to ... put-method

    If you're trying to do something like a platformer, you can always set the sprite to something like:

    on sprite touched - simulate platform pressing whichever direction - I don't see why that wouldn't work.

  • Cool - I just realized that my .scon file was not saved with the correct name *facepalm* -

    Thank you for posting, the link helped me retrace my steps.

  • Hey all!

    So I made an animation set for my player box and it imported just fine and everything is working. I thought I had things mastered until I tried importing a temporary enemy I drew up and attempted to attach it an existing enemy sprite that works just fine (but looks atrocious). For some reason the spriter import (I call him Pat) never shows up. I've tried setting "patbox" to spawn his spriter animation on creation and then have the spriter fixed to imagepoints X and Y but nothing happens when I drop in Pat. I should say that Pat is initialized on a "monstermovement" event sheet that is included at the start of my layout.

    Is there a tut someone can point me to (aside from one focused on getting spriter to work for a playerbox) or does anyone have an idea about what could be going on?

  • I'm sorry to keep doing this but I just don't know why these gravity zones aren't working (My platform just jumps around like normal in non-relative zones, no matter which way the gravzone sprites are pointing). Any thoughts?

    In the original tut (in the first post), there is cox(gravzone.a)xvector - but when I type in the ".a" part C2 tells me "a" isn't an expression. I'm thinking that something going on there is holding me back but I can't find ".a" in the manual.

    Any help is greatly appreciated!

  • Hey, I don't claim to be an expert on this but since there hasn't been an update yet, here's a tutorial on pathfinding and LOS: https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/474/pa ... e-of-sight

  • Click view at the upper left and then select whatever was closed (likely, object, layer, or project)

  • Hey again!

    So I stumbled on your problem and subsequently fixed the issue. Here's what you need to change your code to (I boxed in my changes):

    I hope that helps!

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  • Hey there. I downloaded your capx and I'm not experiencing your problem. The animations seem to be working correctly. Did you already fix the issue?

  • Thanks LittleStain - I thought that the "angle" part was pre-setup by the input. Now I've got the script ready! I must say that I really appreciate the community here being so helpful. I know I have a lot to learn but you guys have really been making the process fun .

  • Hey all,

    So I'm making my way through the gravity platformer tut but I have an issue when I get to the last line of code here:

    It won't allow me to put commas in the parenthesis when I enter the "(0,0,Xvector,Yvector)-90" part. Any idea why that might be?

    Thanks for your help!

  • Uh no idea sorry. You can't see the efect even in chrome/firefox?

    The live version works for you?:

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/659 ... index.html

    You tried to create a blank document, add a sprite and choose the Fire Effect flames? If not try that to see if works, some people had problems with the .capx but creating they a new document,etc.. works fine.

    Yeah, it would work in the demo, just not from the capx. When I try it on a new layout the error doesn't come up but it also doesn't display the effect. Thanks for the reply,

    zenox98 I tried downloading it but I must not have gotten the right thing. Thanks for the link and your help!

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Member since 26 Jul, 2015

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