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  • Hey! This is rudimentary but it does what you're looking for. Once you get your mechanics set up you could change my random number to the amount of damage done or to text like "critical."

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/30wg32upbbg33 ... .capx?dl=0

    Here is a version using a "damage" variable that is randomly generated, and then rounded:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/xf9yk9djm8pgb ... .capx?dl=0

  • Hey! Put the score - and other stuff you want to stay put - in their own layer and then set that layers parallax to 0, 0. Make sure that layer is above the others in your game so it doesn't disappear underneath everything.

    EDIT: missed the second part of your question at first. You can right click the items you want in the corner and select align. From there you'll find a drop selection with option for alignment, assuming you don't want to set the position yourself.

  • Hey all!

    So I'm trying to make a "wallturret" akin to Megaman, where he shoots out at two angles, and then once upwards. I've got him to work when he's standing upright, but when I rotate him he doesn't work correctly. Here is my code and some examples. Can someone point me tell me what I'm doing wrong?

    Any help is greatly appreciated!!

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  • Hey!

    I'm wondering whether anyone knows of a good brand for wireless keyboards. I've gone through my second Logitech in 2 years, meanwhile my wired Saitek continues to work like a champ! Can anyone recommend something different than Logitech for a wireless kb?

  • So I get that C2 likes to load things as it goes. I've read that I should set up objects at the start of a layout and have them deleted to avoid stuttering when initially visible. Is there some way to avoid setting up all visual objects in that box and deleting them every single level? Is there a way to set objects - or even entire layouts - to preload?

  • EDIT: Tinkering in another project and got it working.

  • https://www.dropbox.com/s/ffru0h3v929bo ... .capx?dl=0

    EDIT: I think I've realized that this method just wont work for more than 1 or two keys. Once opposites are introduced, (up/down, left/right), they both end up travelling at 0 degrees. I'll spare the boring details about other things I tried doing using the global variable.

    I'm thinking that using key codes (for the inputs I'm using) would work best. I don't know how that would translate to a touch interface...

    My thinking would be to have duplicate sprites, one set that is pressable and one set that is not. When 2 are pressed the other two can be destroyed and spawn the unpressable ones. When less than two are pressed the unpressable ones can also be destroyed and spawn pressable ones.

  • Oh, nice!

  • Update:

    So I've managed to get a system working where:

    down/right and down/left neglect other inputs - however, I'm having issues making that work for other combinations. (So if there's someone more experienced that can see what I've done wrong here, please let me know!)

    I'm not really changing my method between combinations so I'm not sure why I'm running into this issue. I'm sort of stuck but maybe I'm on to something if a few inputs are working correctly?

    My method:

    I made a global variable called Touchable and set it to 3. (there is a text box I put in the layout to display this)

    I made the player a platform with default controls set to "no" (so we can get vector info)

    I set gravity to 0 (so the platform doesn't fall and can be pushed at different angles)

    When left/right/up/down are pressed subtract 1 from global variable.

    On any key released add 1 to global variable.

    Then I defined what inputs do (ie, which angle the platform moves toward, depending on whether global variable is 0 and what is pressed when it is 0. See my capx for numbers).

    Here's a link to my project folder. Choose "newproject" and not the other capx (which, somehow, was corrupted?)

    Also, it's not notated, sorry!

    https://www.dropbox.com/sh/o74rl6lz2du6 ... JTUCa?dl=0

  • I'm also relatively new to C2 so that may be a bit out of my depth. I'm going to try and make something (although, with my keyboard) and hopefully we'll get there together.

  • C-7 hey! Thanks for your reply and for your work! .... but it's already fixed. Also, regardless of what browser I was using the issue was occurring (regardless of whether I got an error, the fire images would not appear).

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Member since 26 Jul, 2015

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