ultrafop's Recent Forum Activity

  • Used tutorials and examples of raycasting to determine the angle of my object/player and move it accordingly.

  • Hey, thanks. I'll try to figure that out but I must confess that I've been out of math classes for 10 years lol. I'm unsure about how to do that. Would this be as simple as "Setting Position to Object"?

  • Hello all,

    So I've been tinkering around with C2 and came across a problem I'm not sure how to solve.

    My desire is to have an object inside of a curved sprite (like a circle) pushed outward at an angle from the center of that curved sprite (dependent on it's own position relative to the center). My goal is to have this object to be able to move along the outer edge of that sprite. My geometry is pretty bad since I've been out of school for awhile but I feel like I need to do something with sin, cos, and tan here...just not sure what. I've looked around and raycasting might be helpful? It looks a bit arduous but I'm interesting in learning anything that can be linked or offered.

  • Holy smokes, that's incredibly kind of you . Thanks!

  • Super helpful reply . Thanks R0J0hound

  • I'm sorry to be unclear. Here is an quick sketch:

    By "object ends" I mean, the edge of an irregular shape.

  • Hello all,

    I'm wondering whether there is a way to generate "top tiles" (i.e the floor) on tiles that aren't squares, but smooth and curved (irregular shapes). Has anyone tried this? Is there a way to determine when an object ends and spawn an overlay at it's end point?

  • How is the death being handled (are you initiating an animation or are you destroying the object or...)? I assume you're dropping items to be used?

    With as much info as is available my first idea is:

    -object health less or = 0 :

    --object -> spawn item at object.x object.y,

    --object -> destroy object.

    If you want multiple kinds of drops then you may want to randomly generate a number (say between 1-100) and then setup something to check ranges of numbers that would allow for certain specific drops.

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  • My thinking is that you would have two variables here, an "add variable" and the "gVariable" you mentioned.

    Set up something like,


    When button is clicked

    sub event - if "add variable" = 3 set to 1

    else - add 1 to "add variable"


    when button is clicked add "add variable" to "gvariable"

  • Hey there,

    This should help:

    You may also want to check the FAQ thread that's pinned in this section of the forum for more tips and tricks.

  • Really cool! You've got my vote!

  • Hey there,

    try this out:

    system> compare two values> layername to "insert layer name here" = set physics enabled, set bound disabled

    else = set physics disabled, set bound enabled

    That should do the trick when you apply it to the family

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Member since 26 Jul, 2015

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