I create simple game with ball and i onlu use physics (im not use other third party plugin) and my game has blank screen after loading.
Where i do wrong? ludei ?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
True Valhalla YES :D thanks
How to make public folder again? i need that old option to share links
old public folder looks like this:
it depends what you want to change
LittleStain ok so you have idea how add "- Acceleration
to physics object?
mindfaQ Problem is when five gear have more KM(horse power) than first gear.
When i drive thru the hill better is five gear than first
first gear has the most power but is the slowest (known as in a car)
2 and 3 gear have less power but car can drive faster (platform game)
interesting way to play with our games, i wish to make some games with kinect or other camera controller
Google maps not always show show right position. When i try check right position in building geolocation show my position near building on the street! so i think its impossible to show location on buildings rooms
happyhardik i have few games and i can sell source code if you interested please reply
rexrainbow i try make a well known board game but i cant figure out how do this for more than one players:
if you could look at my capx and give me tips. Thanks
Click on 'check' and black sprite to change color
CAPX: dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/44710358/save%20first%20six%20states.capx
When saveAreas (sprites) re full i need space for other icons
Member since 20 Sep, 2011