Lucky Star's Recent Forum Activity

  • Just so you know : After some research, I found out you can build 3ds games in Construct. Thanks for your help

  • - Make it yourself - Try to find someone elses

    I've tried both of those, there seems to be no hope at open game art, but I can keep trying on bfxr.

  • I'm looking for an example of 8-bit talking sounds (you know, like in shovel knight when you talk to someone) but I can't find it anywhere. It's when the text box appears when someone is talking, if you know of ANY please give me a link, I just need an example.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Thanks I appreciate it

    I'll just use other supported console and wait to see any news about the 3DS. Thx

  • Not sure but I heard that the new 3ds supports alot more so Ill do some more research

  • Is it possible to make games for the 3ds with C2? Just curious because its a wonderful system I've always want to make a game for. Thx

  • Thanks, one just needed to have a collision set to all frames, the other needed a collision box so this helped alot

  • How do I Set The Collision Box to All Frames Of A Sprite? Plz help because sense the box is different per frame he keeps bouncing up and down on the box .-.

  • Hmm

    I'll try that


  • I've tried changing the hitbox of the play the best I can (and I can't do it to the floor because it is tiled) (I only changed the hitbox on one frame and everything about the character is animated). The problem is I have an animation for falling and an animation for default or on the ground, (but the default animation does have more than 1 frame, just btw) and it thinks the player is falling when it is clearly on the ground, thus resulting into him looking like hes constantly jumped up and down, and the animation is constantly switching. How do I fix this?

  • Never knew that, I would always just overlay it xD

    Thanks alot =D

  • So I'm making a game and I made a BG layer behind the basic layer (the basic layer is where all the action and stuff happens) and the UI is on top of them all, however, the basic layer is showing a white background (the one you see when you start a new project) in front of my BG layer. How do I remove this?

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Lucky Star

Member since 5 Jun, 2015

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