Lucky Star's Forum Posts

  • Ah, the backup file worked. Thanks!

  • Alright, so I recently saved a game I was working on and shut down my computer. The next morning, I turned back on the computer and tried opening the file, but it showed me an error that said "Unable to open 'Desktop/Games/Game.capx' for unzipping". I feel kind of dumb, but I don't know what to do about this. Is there a way to fix this? Its located in a couple of folders, but they arent zipped. What do I do?

  • Hm.

    I just noticed the release notes this morning and I was going to ask the exact same question, but for now I think I'll hold on a bit until it's completely finished.

  • I'm working on one. It's pretty nice and easy, but the collision part can be VERY annoying.

  • Turns out I can't develop for the console I wanted to develop for

    is there any other good console any of you guys can think of?

    (This will be an actual.. you know.. game, not an app store-like game)


  • Thx

  • I'm not the best with exporting, and I've (honestly) never tried to make a downloadable game before. I'd like to do it for windows, but mac and linux would both be nice. How do I do this? Thanks,

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Yay! I've been looking forward to this! Can't wait to get it

  • Yup. It's been removed.

  • Add animations for the player holding a sword and everytime you press a certain key/controller button it will -1 the enemies HP? I really don't know as u haven't provided is enough info to answer that.

  • Very impressive! I loved the use of creativity. Loved it!

  • I would like the screen to shake when you press a button for dramatic effect. How can I do this? Thx!

    (I have the Scroll To behavior on the main character, just fyi.)

  • I'd also like to do this alot, but Construct 2 only makes 2D games, you need a 3D game for VR.

    I've seen a lot of games developed for caredboard using Unity, so I'd try it out.

  • I've always wanted to make an iphone platformer (I'm not stating it will for sure be on iOS, but it might be) where there's pixels and real life photos mixed together. So I'd snap good photos of things that could be used as part of a level. You are tiny made out of pixels, the enemies are, etc. The story is you get sucked into a portal which leads you to earth. The twist is that a scientest lends you a device, letting you turn certain objects into pixels, these objects will have an effect on the gameplay (for example, giant snake attacking you. you see a trash can blocking the way. Use your gun on it. Keep holding your gun down and using magic, it will follow your finger until you drop it on the snakes head, leaving the snake dead, saving your life.)

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