Lucky Star's Forum Posts

  • So I'm making a game for the kindle, and if people like it on the kindle I'll put it on the IOS. But I have, Construct 2 personal, and adobe photoshop, yet I don't know how to create professional or at least "good" looking game art, and I would like the game to not be 8-bit. But it is 2D.

    I know that I could hire someone but I kind of want to try making this myself...

  • Sorry I forgot on how to download construct 2 as Ihavent used it in 2 months haha xD

  • I need help on this very very soon.

  • Prominent Then I click download and all it does is download something called C2license.txt

  • Hi,

    I'm on a trip, I cleared my email, and nothings in my basket for some reason, yet I own C2 Personal Addition (I should have a badge for it on my profile picture).



  • I'm making a game where you're a worm digging in the ground infinitely, but I want him to leave a trail behind him so it looks like he dug a tunnel.. how do I do that?

  • (I replied earlier, but I deleted it when I found out you were talking about the Scirra arcade) I have trouble with my highscore list with my suckish first game I ever made, and it didn't work either (I really don't care if it dosent work, but I do care if this happens to my good game I'm soon gonna upload, so I'm wondering if maybe its something they need to fix?)

    P.S. I love the game sticky web, I got it on my kindle, I had no idea you made it :O

  • But sometimes it still happens, like it locks by its self idk y

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • gillenew I agree, however I don't see the point with the wierd red outline thingy.

  • I'm pretty sure on scirra I found a place where u can add friends and enemies, but now I cant find it.

  • Maybe add a quality settings, but if you don't want, I'd say the one the the right.

  • (you shoot lasers fyi)

  • Sorry, I shouldn't leave out the good stuff

    It's a nice idea with great, fun, and super addicting gameplay that will make you want to get 1st - 10th place in the highscores, so you keep constantly playing.

  • Kongregate is a great place to post your games.

    If they're good enough, they'll be featured or badged (meaning get achievements!)

    Trust me, I would give Kongregate a try.

  • Maybe pay 5$ and upload it to chrome web store or add touch controls and upload it to Amazon Appstore or make it .exe or for wii u or xbox... just .capx means you have to have C2..