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  • I'd also like to do this alot, but Construct 2 only makes 2D games, you need a 3D game for VR.

    I've seen a lot of games developed for caredboard using Unity, so I'd try it out.

  • I've always wanted to make an iphone platformer (I'm not stating it will for sure be on iOS, but it might be) where there's pixels and real life photos mixed together. So I'd snap good photos of things that could be used as part of a level. You are tiny made out of pixels, the enemies are, etc. The story is you get sucked into a portal which leads you to earth. The twist is that a scientest lends you a device, letting you turn certain objects into pixels, these objects will have an effect on the gameplay (for example, giant snake attacking you. you see a trash can blocking the way. Use your gun on it. Keep holding your gun down and using magic, it will follow your finger until you drop it on the snakes head, leaving the snake dead, saving your life.)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Looks fun!

  • Seems good,

    I'll try it out

    Some of my games fit this category.


  • I don't really even know what spriter is (haven't done a lot of research). I make mostly retro games, every once in a while non-retro games. I make turn-based RPGs, platformers, etc. Spriter Pro seems cheap and literally everyone I've seen uses it. Should I buy it? Thanks

  • What about a kid who accidentally activates a machine, making him dream unusual things, and if he gets hurt in his dream, it's connected to reality, and to get back to rrality, ypu have to collect items by defrating bosses, and when you have then all you go back to reality. I always thought this idea would be fun because you cab do funny and weird things that don't make sense because he's dreaming.

  • Congrats on the successful greenlight looks good. I'll have to pick it up sometime.

  • Fun and addicting! I wasn't able to fully complete it though because it was super hard

  • Very fun

    I love it. I didn't like the tiled background to be honest, but that's the only thing I didn't like

  • Great idea, something someone would keep playing while waiting at the airport or driving somewhere. Very addicting, good job

  • Good job

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Lucky Star

Member since 5 Jun, 2015

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