Also don't forget to reset the variable on start of layout. And disable the DragDrop behavior for the object when it's successfully placed, otherwise player will be able to just drop the same object 4 times to win.
I don't really understand the question. If you just want to know how to go to next layout - there is System action Go to next layout. If you need help with conditions for level completion - it only depends on your game logics.
System - Go to next layout
Is it possible to make lighting system similar to RimWorld or Prison Architect? So that light does not travel through walls and you still can have a hundred static light sources without killing performance.
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If you are using C3 runtime, it's better to use built-in moveto plugin.
In any case, the logics would look like this: on button clicked, TargetObject pick nearest to (Player.X, Player.Y) - Player move to TargetObject
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Create separate layer for UI and set it's parallax to 0
It's not clear to me, does video work at all? If not, maybe you should put the file name in H.264 source instead of WebM source in properties. Another possible reason - maybe you just forgot to include this event sheet into the main one (Do other events from this sheet work?)
Video object has property Autoplay when you select it in editor
Did you set Autoplay in properties to No?
Pin behavior, Rope style - might be what you are looking for
Member since 12 May, 2015