How bizarre!
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
P.S. Anyone happen to know if there is going to be an easy way to convert a .cap to a .capx to bring it from CC to C2?
R0J0hound created a very basic converter in the early days of C2, but it's already been said that to convert anything of substance would be extremely difficult (impossible?) as all the Plugins and Behaviors don't have equivalents in C2.
Yea. I thought so too, but I also thought it was amusing. If you're gonna report false, at least report something half modern - stupid spambots :)
NT4 ??????
IE4 ?????
Dood, get an upgrade!
<img src="" border="0" />
They're spam - you can tell from the text and links.
Your plugin is fine, don't worry. Good work :)
It's my poor understanding of JavaScript that's the problem. I'm endeavoring to rectify my failing :)
I understand. It's easy enough to concatenate the relevant expressions, I just thought the wording was slightly ambiguous. I'm lazy so was looking for the 'quick' way :)
Oh. It says in the expression: 'Get current Date from system'.
See below:
<img src="" border="0" />
That's the correct one :)
On my system, Date.Date is just returning the 'Day' part of GetDate(). Is this an issue on my side or with the plugin?
The link looks like your prototype for the 'Function' plugin. Wrong file?
I don't yet use C2 much, but it looks like you're correct.
CC has the 'Editbox' for such a task as you require, which doesn't appear to have been implemented as yet :(
Early days, so I expect this will change soon enough.
Using FireFox 6.0.2 the FPS goes as low as 3 and as high as 24 :( Unusual as most other HTML 5 demos I've tried have been more than OK.
Member since 30 Jun, 2010