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  • From the manual:

    Tile positions

    When using tiles in the object's conditions, actions and expressions, positions are generally given in tiles instead of layout co-ordinates. You can convert between tile positions and layout co-ordinates using the PositionToTileX/Y and TileToPositionX/Y expressions.

    Basically the tile you want is the x,y coordinate of that tile divided by the tile size.

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  • I'm afraid to know how much time I spend on my projects D:

  • jayderyu Yep that's about it. The 'template objects' or 'default instances' (pretty sure that's what Ashley referred to them as) are very oddly handled, and behind-the-scenes no less. I fully support a prefab system similar to Unity's, but I don't expect to see that until C3. However, we can work around these faults right now in C2 by introducing the features I brought up here.

  • What are you talking about dude. IID's are unique to the instances in a layout and only utilized at runtime. I don't see how they have anything to do with the project's default instance of an object type, which is what this thread is about. I never even asked for the object properties to display the IID - just if it was the default instance (the very first instance created for that object type in the whole project, not at runtime or in a specific layout)

  • I'm not talking about anything during runtime, guys. I mean the default instance in the editor - the very first instance ever created that future instances inherit their properties from.

  • newt Pretty sure that's just the IID for runtime purposes. The object properties only displays the UID which isn't very useful at all.

  • Colludium I hadn't considered that, actually. I suppose it'll work in the meantime, but collisions for 9-patches and Tiled BG's would still be very nice.

  • Ashley

    (Note: By "default instance" I mean the very first instance of an object type created for the project - the template that future instances inherit all of their properties from, not the first instance in a given layout or having an IID of 0.)

    Basically there's no way of knowing which instance is the default, nor where it's located if you want to change its properties (unless objects are stored in a separate dedicated layout, but sometimes you forget to do so). We also don't have any way of changing which instance is the default, which in some cases automatically changes behind-the-scenes.

    So I propose we get a "Make Default Instance" button in the object properties. When it is clicked, all future instances will inherit the properties of this instance. A small label at the top of the object properties saying "Default Instance" or "Template" or something would be very nice as well.

    This will also let us work around the bug where new tilemap instances inherit the placed tiles from a previous instance instead of the blank default instance. (I meant to report it but found it difficult to reproduce; seems to just happen over time.)

  • bump

  • +1

  • I mean, it might depend on the object but probably not. Can you be more specific? What object type are you using for these images and in what way are you using them?

  • Ashley Things have slowed down with C3 in development and all, and I haven't seen many requests lately so I thought I'd try this one again...

    We really need the ability to pick tiles that have already been placed on a tilemap canvas (what the right-click does in Tiled Map Editor).

    This will significantly increase production as we'll be able to quickly reuse tile patterns and not have to pick every single tile from the tilemap bar.

    Y'know how they say a solid state drive is the single biggest upgrade you can get for your computer? Well this is it for tilemaps! It's also the last feature we'll ever need for the tilemap object as far as I'm concerned.

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