andreyin's Recent Forum Activity

  • I've got one, my game's got a publisher and as soon as I got some money I bought it. Really cheap too, there was a sale going on at the time.

  • Try this to create an installer:

    Scirra is using it to create C2 installer, and it's free. Haven't used it myself, so you are on your own!

    Thanks for this!

  • I've made a variable to tell which animation is playing, and instead of changing the animation when keys are pressed and such, I just change it.

    For the basic platform movement, I check if it's 0 then check if the character is walking, jumping, etc.

    For other things, like using abilities, swimming, going up a ladder, I use other numbers.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    (Sorry for the messy code, I know I could use sub-events to make it look prettier but I haven't got to cleaning it up yet)

  • I've had this problem happen to me when exporting to Node-Webkit, but the issue was that the bundled DirectX wasn't installed. After installing it, it worked just fine.

  • That's pretty neat, I really like how the water bounces on the wall!

    R0j0 has also helped me more times than I can count hahaha.

  • Probably resolution. C2 stretches the game window if you use fullscreen, so a lower resolution makes the game faster.

  • Thanks Ashley!!

  • damainman

    I have yet to test if it's mono, but yeah, there's a small delay when beggining to play a song (more noticiable at the beggining of the game).

    Something funny I noticed, apparently you can't have anything louder than 0db now. In the capx I posted, if you try to make it louder than 0db, nothing happens.

  • Huh. I thought this would be a C2 bug, since it broke after the update, but apparently it's a problem with this event line:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    The logic is that, if MusicB volume is 0db, it resets the fade variables. Apparently C2 thinks that MusicB volume IS 0db, even though I just told it to start playing the song at -30db.

    I'm unsure if it's a bug in C2 or the code, now...

    I did fix it by doing this:

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    (example by blackhornet )

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Make a function that slowly lowers the music, and makes another music play after it's done.

    Observed result:

    Should work, as it works in Chrome and IE. Also works perfectly on r144.1.

    Expected result:

    First song volume goes down and it stops playing as intended, but the next song never plays.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: no

    Internet Explorer: no

    Node-Webkit: Yes

    Operating system & service pack:

    Win8 64bits

    Construct 2 version:

    Tested on both r145 and r146

  • In Node-Webkit it plays ok, but now it's taking a bit more time to start... maybe I have to load every song manually on the loader layout?

    Also, I had this code for song-changing where the song that was playing would fade out, then the next song would fade in, but it doesn't work anymore (probably because it doesn't have enough time to load before I call it?).

    edit: Nevermind, I tried loading the music manually but it doesn't work when I try to change it...

  • What version are you using?

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