I'm not going to lie, I sometimes get so concentrated in what I am doing that while trying to work out a kink in my project, I often forget the simple action of hitting CTRL+S to save my work. This isn't a problem in most programs, but in C2, well...I've have my few shares of crashes, and they almost always seem to happen when I decide to forget a while. I have lost a good bit of work several times now, and it's kind of a bummer every time it happens.
My question is, do you think auto-saving you project each time the preview button is hit is a worthwhile idea? I ask because I may forget to save often, but I sure do hit the preview button quite a bit, so if there was an option to allow the project to save when preview was hit that would be amazing.
Also, I'm not saying that having not saved for a while is causing the crashes, I have no idea what causes them and they are not easily repeatable...they are quite random.