Noga's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello Noga

    Congratulations on your success. Your game is really fun.

    I am happy to write the first review on my site;

    Thank you for the review piszozo. How did you like the game? What do you think could be improved?

  • imaffett

    Here's the blurriness, it's subtle but noticable.

    link to the store version

  • *********************************************************

    Update 1.0.5

    Decreased difficulty

    • added one life
    • jetpack has more power

    New gameplay video


    Original post

    I'm very happy to announce my second game


    release for Android!

    Do you like flying arcade games? This one has pretty graphics, charming gameplay and a beautiful soundtrack.

    btw. all menus music is made by tulamide - thank you.

  • Tom

    will be leaderboards/achievements ready before your break?

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  • Any chance you can link to your store version?

    I just uploaded latest version to beta and need to test IAP. If it's all good, I'll post the link here, hopefully tomorrow.

  • There's a plugin made by Rex just for that.

  • imaffett

    Is production cw12 different from your cw testing shells? Because, when I test preview on my wifi using testing cw12 shell, 2 devices are in canvas 2d mode and 2 in webGL and when testing beta version, downloaded from the store, all 4 are in webGL. Is there the device blacklisting turned off? Also graphics quality looks bit different, it looks more blurry on the exported version.

  • imaffett & Iolva

    Hah, that was fast

    Going testing.....


    I'm finishing my game and so far cw12 is the best......well, there's one "but". It looks like it's the best for newer devices which can utilize webGL. I'll write here as soon as I'm done with the game, probably in couple days.

  • imaffett

    Any word on when crosswalk 12 could go stable? After some more playing with your cw testing shells it seems the cw12 does perform best....for devices which can do webGL, if it fails, it's still better to use cw7.

  • I use cranberrygame Cordova Chartboost 1.0.3 plugin for interstitials and it crashes my game. When action for preloading ad fires off it freezes the game for couple seconds than crashes. No ad is shown. I tried test and live mode and it's still the same. When the wifi is turned off, the game keeps going so there's problem with requesting the interstitial. Has anyone had the same problem?

  • I have made it !

    Good you're doing well, keep posting your progress.

  • The google game services leaderboards have the option to send back the user placement in every leaderboard, so you can notify them when they lose their place to someone else, this is a very engaging feature to have, do you think you can add it to your plugin?

    cranberrygame - yes, please add this feature to the plugin.

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Member since 5 Jul, 2009

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