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  • Thanks for the example. I didn't understand hashtables when trying sample from the wiki, this one's better.

  • You should use private variables when making enemies to make them distinct, that's why it doesn't work. Same with waypoints(with the plugin you'll not need that)

  • I've read a great article in an australian games mag couple years ago, about building one of those and it looked awesome. I remember dreaming about building it, but never really started I hope you'll share photos of your final product with us. gl

  • I'm not sure I understood everything. To make a path for enemies use great R0J0hound's plugin:

    Path Movement Behavior

    To make enemies use different paths, you could save paths in external files and then load them to specific enemies using variables

  • I can't download the .cap - (HTTP 403) Access denied

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  • That's great, thank you.

  • Can you upload the .cap?

  • I looked at you cap and got lost instantly, it's quite big. Can you describe on what layout, event sheet, event number, action is that monster? I think it could be because how you spawn enemies, because when I looked at the second problem, you use action "spawn" to create whirlwinds. I've never used that action, so I can't help you with that, but when I erased it end repleaced it with "create object", it worked. I'll have to add private variable to each whirlwind created and also each windmaker. Than compare which windmaker you're shooting at and create whirlwind at the position. Good luck, your art is beautiful.

  • Background looks cool, but it makes bullets hard to see, good luck

  • Nice concept, at first I didn't like that you have to hold RM button (almost)all the time, but than I got used to it. Is the graphics just temporary? Because mechanics are good. Good luck with the game.

    ps:you should turn off the mouse cursor.

  • Original graphics style, keep up! Can't really find anything inappropriate, everything's good so far. Ok,maybe you could make the fish vulnerable

  • Thank you, that worked

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Member since 5 Jul, 2009

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