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  • Interesting read. I can understand it now as it is, and I think it could be enough, if you'd make an commented example along with the release. From my experience, I usualy don't understand words and numbers, but when I see it in action I can translate it into my own language. Especially when there are also comments like - I did this because, this action will do this etc.

  • A massively multi player top down shooter. Please A proper command hierarchy would be amazing.

    Hah, that's like exactly my dream game! Only, in my dream it was 3d shooter.

    After some kills you get promotion, than you can give commands to other players in your squad(set waypoints). Than you can promote further and give commands to squad leaders. Top promotion would be a something like a general, no direct contact with an enemy, and top down view of a battlefield.

    Damn, now I'll have to dream something else

  • That's really good game, I can't believe how you could put it together in 2 days.

  • i know there are many bugs but its so hard to find out how to fix them. oh and the texture being "eaten" is normal it just means hes on his vitals and not his armour.

    Hah, that's good, it just looked like a texture error.

    From playing it, I can say, I liked more just jumping and drawing platforms than shooting. I think you could get rid of it or make it more interesting, I don't know how, but as it is now, when I move the player - 20 enemies jump on me at once, shoot them, move bit further - and more enemies just rush on me.

  • 15years ago, I'd take more time to explore the game, but now, whether it's because I'm older and have less time or games changed and they are more straightforward. I usualy take max 5 minutes to try and after that I quit or continue playing. It's sad, because I think I should give a game (which took an author many hours to make) more time than just 5min.

  • Nice, I don't understand it, but 9.8 looks like Earth's gravity, that still don't understand it:). Thanks for sharing


    here is a hight speed dowload link

    thx for your opinions

    It's the same , maybe there is wrong on my side. What about dropbox or box? I've never had a problem when downloading other guys work from these.

    My suggestion would be to put there some tasks and a story maybe? Flying around, shooting and everything feels good, but after a while I quit, because I didn't know what to do.

  • Video looks cool, I've tried to download the exe, but it's too slow. I don't wanna wait 15min, could you upload it to somewhere else?

  • i hope you try the game and let me know what you think and give me suggestions

    It's a good concept, original and souns are good. Here I found some bugs-

    When I first run the game, I couldn't controls for a while. It'd be nice to have it in a readme or ingame help, in your post or website. After death, screen goes black and I have to restart the game to play again. When I'm inside those destroyable blocks and rotating the player with the mouse, it kicks me back couple pixels, probably when trying to squeeze the player inside too narrow place. Right after the start, there is that green bouncing floor. After few bounces, when the player looses his armour, it "eats" parts of the player's texture.

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  • I should be posting both a new C2 build and new 0.x build in the next couple of weeks as well. Watch this space!

    Thats great, can't wait.

  • Hi, I wanted to ask you if I could translate the tutorial for a fan site, but after watching the video, I decided not to. I couldn't probably use it as an educational video, but it made me laugh.

    No offence, anyway, if you ever reupload or make a new one, I'd be glad to translate it and spread it to other people.

  • It seems to me that there are more bots(not spambots) lately. Is it because the forum is slowly getting bigger? I remember only one Google bot for a long time, now there are always 5+ bots logged.

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Member since 5 Jul, 2009

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