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  • This thread has the info you need:

    basically just drag and drop in the actual scml file into c2

    this early version has some limitations you'll need to know about listed in the thread above.

  • there shouldn't be any limits NRA

    Yswellin, that's just the way the import process places them. I'll ask Ashley, but I'm not sure if there's an easy way to make it show the character set up correctly in the editor

  • will we be able to have 2 (or more) separate spriter scml on the same screen at once?

    as nra said this works, also, because the import puts them into a container this works as well:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    so, if there were 3 characters on screen, only the torso belonging to the same character as the clicked head would change opacity

    storm36969 Thank you very much.

    Also, to everyone else, just an update on progress:

    Working on Spriter program update currently, that will have some things such as default names for objects, and objects being local to the entire character(as opposed to the animation), which in short, both make importing much easier. This update also has some major upgrades in speed and stability, so that's what's taking all this time. When this is done, I'll update the plugin with bones, and any other new features that make it into this program build.

    Have some majorly awesome stuff coming once Spriter is a little further along, so while things are a little slow now, in about a month we should have some major expansions to what the plugin can do

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  • I'll have a look, and see what I can find

  • they should be in a folder.

    here I'm adding a condition

    <img src="" border="0" />

    after double clicking the folder named after the spriter object:

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • the issue with reimporting the animation again without losing events is something I've discussed with Ashley, and he said he hopes to work in a solution in a future version of c2.

    as far as the being able to set action to each body part, you can do that now. It's why we went with individual sprites instead of the original plan to have the one plugin draw everything.   Also, the import process puts all the sprites in a folder for you, and they are all in a family, and a container together, so if you have a condition that picks any of the parts or the scml object itself, the rest of the parts are automatically picked.

    The short answer, is you should just be able to create actions with the torso sprite object as if it were just a normal sprite (because it is)

  • cosmos10040, sorry for the late reply. Was at Thanksgiving celebrations with the family, but retrodude is correct.

    retrodude, because you can animate width and height changes in the editor, part of the animation is setting width an height every tick. To override, your width and height changes should take place every tick as well. For example:

    -Every Tick

    -----set Spriter_hand width to 1000

    If anyone has ideas they'd like to see integrated to add more flexibility with things like this let me know. For instance I can try to add something to let you find the x or y scale factor of a body part, that way if you make the arm 2 times the size, it can still grow and shrink according to the animation, but grow and shrink to the animated size x2, if that makes sense.

  • Ok, I know why this is happening, and it will be fixed in the next build.

    Thanks for the bug report.

    Also, Spriter the program isn't complete yet, but there will be nothing that breaks caps or Spriter projects in any future editions.

  • no problem

    glad it's working

  • Hi cosmos10040, the original post has this download link if you need it again, but you can download the plugin here.

  • NRABrazil:

    latest release with r110

    also had some people in chat test it, and they also had no problems.

    Might be something simple. There was a few times I ran a similar test, and forgot I had it following mouse, and thought something went wrong because my mouse wasn't over the canvas. But aside from that this also ran for other users as well.

  • NRABrazil I just tried it in firefox,chrome, and a ie, and it worked in all without disappearing. might be a browser issue, are you all up to date?

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