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  • is it a jumble of sprites on the layout, too?

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  • hey kirbyUFO, not yet, but that and more is coming soon.

  • Sorry for the delay everyone. I've actually had this fix for a while, but been busy with the main program, and forgot I hadn't released it yet:

    plugin changelog 8/1/13

      <img src="smileys/smiley38.gif" border="0" align="middle">'On animation finished' triggers now work <img src="smileys/smiley38.gif" border="0" align="middle">Fixed a display bug where there were body parts left behind after some animation switches
  • When I drag the troll example it animates right away with no problems, but any animation i've thrown together imports ok but doesn't animate. I've tried typing the animation name into the starting animation and using events to set the animation but no joy. I've tried with one that is just animating sprites and another using bones.

    Is there something i'm missing that the example has? or is it a Pro feature?

    Here's a link to my project on dropbox:

    Hey neorapsta. The problem is that this animation is not set to loop, (the button on the timeline in Spriter) so it actually plays once (but the animation is too short to notice) at the beginning of the layout. You can save the animation after adding the looping, but you can also preview the result, by restarting the animation and setting it to loop with events:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    I used the 'set animation' action, to rewind and resume in one action (equivalent to "set time to 0 milliseconds", and "resume".

  • oh k, sorry I wasn't clear. The file must be saved from b4 (which the example file was not, but I've updated it)

  • any progress on javascript error on win8

    getelementbytagname or folder runtime line 722 spriter plugin.js


    I'll add something in there to make it fail the loading more gracefully, but that tag should always be present, and the plugin needs it to display any graphics. If possible, please send your zipped project folder to


    I've had spriter for a while, but I'm actually trying to put it too use now in my latest game :). A few things:

    1. When I drag/drop the SCML file into Construct 2, it's big. I wrap selection and resize, but it's the same size in game as it was originally. Is there a way to resize it in Spriter?

    2. When my graphics designer created all the animations as separate projects. Is there a way ti put all the animation together in one project after the fact?

    3. When I import into Construct 2, I still get all the pieces stacked on top of each other, latest spriter (b4) and latest C2. I tried save as new version in spriter as well.


    1. That will work in the next version of the plugin. Working on documentation at the moment, so it could be a few days.

    2. Not yet, but that will exist by 1.0

    3. That's odd, if you can send me the zipped project folder I can troubleshoot it for you

  • Amazing World Of Gumball is... well... amazing.

    Also... I'm amazed at how they can pull off the level of artistic inconsistency they have. They use photorealism, 2D animation, 3D animation, hand drawn animation, video capture all together in the same shot. And it all blends perfectly. No idea how they do it.

    Exactly. The execution is flawless, and it's impressive they can produce it quickly enough to make each season.


    indeed, both super high quality and unique

  • California

    ha, way to get my attention. The PM notify only seems to pop up for me 8 years after I receive a PM, though I thought I responded to that already. here ya go:

    lerp tut

    all interpolation tut

    also, updated the links in the original threads

    <font size="1">on a side note, re: the original topic of this thread(from back in 2011): mlp has severely declined in quality and I can no longer recommend it in good conscience, but if you're interested in retro-actively seeing what all the fuss was about stick to the first two seasons. Adventure Time on the other hand has remained a strong series, and has arguably improved over time</font>

  • hey yaomon, are you ever in scirra chat, or do you have skype (pm me your skype name if so)

    I see some issues, and fixed one, but there's alot going on in your project, and I have some questions

  • Agni, that's coming to Spriter at some point, along with several other features to alter the entire animation. Most likely after the pro features like variables and collision boxes though. yaomon17, glad you worked it out.

    to everyone else, if you're using the latest version of c2, and not seeing the poses, please resave your project in the latest version of Spriter. It saves additional info that c2 uses for the pose feature.

    Also, if you're not already aware, the selection wrapping feature (select all the pieces, and right-click - selection wrap) lets you scale and rotate the character as a whole in the editor. The plugin doesn't yet take the scaling into account, but that's coming soon.

  • fixed

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