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  • thanks for the info ashley. I may just have to find a more efficient way of doing things. I've got a really killer look going right now though, this is going to take some real innovation to reproduce. I really love's awesome.

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  • now you know how they felt when they made crysis

  • got it. I see how to get it back now


  • you're right.

    I tried several things to stabilize the physics at low framerates, and nothing seems to do the trick. in general, I think at this point physics can only be used for cool effects. It would be a bad idea to make a physics based game. There's alot of glitchy things about physics. I use it alot to make things look cool, but I wouldn't be trying to make the next 'world of goo' with it.

  • I'm not sure if we're talking about the same thing (see image)

  • if you use the close X (not the main program one) to close your program, it doesn't ask if you want to save changes. Then when you totally shut down construct it asks you. if you loaded more than one project, it's difficult to tell or remember which project it's talking about. Also, since it's not standard windows app behavior, it may be confusing to users who may not realize it's asking about the changes for a child window no longer visible or retrievable

  • if I add up the size on disk of every png file I use as a sprite, and I have no effects at all, no canvases, etc. just sprites, is that around how much vram I'll be using, or does it have to convert it at runtime to some other form that takes up more ram. Also, do effects eat up alot of vram? layers? I'm getting ready to move from the experimental phase to creating my first level. Some of the graphical elements will take alot of time to create. I'm planning on having smooth frame by frame animations, and high res textures. Before going through some of the trouble of creating these, I want to have at least a general idea of my limitations

  • thanks mad

    it's food grain quazi

  • demonstration of bumpmapping with a different shape instead of spotlight,

    plus pretty particle effects to boot:


  • ooh!!!!! Nevermind

    figured it out!

    works perfect!

    Thanks, and as a bonus, the canvas makes perfect sense now!!!!

    thanks again dave

  • thanks davi.

    I've never really understood the canvas object, can you post a cap, preferably just an altered version of the one I posted here? if it's not too time consuming or too much trouble. It'd be a big help.

    thanks either way

  • so if no one responds and it's not in the todo list, does that mean it's not gonna happen?

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