lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • if hash table contains value at key "key"

    and it should pick that hash table

  • distort map for canvases

    distorted pasting doesn't have to be supported, distortion can be ignored during drawing to the canvas like rotation is, but just being able to distort what's already on the canvas would be awesome

  • awesome stuff

    just so you know though

    you only need one function object

    and you make all the functions you want

    function call function "x-rot"

    you can even use expressions for function names

  • thomas, that stuff looks awesome

    super atmospheric

  • I think some stuff would be easier with an isometric behavior for movement, or options for the look of the grid, but as it is now, it's not too difficult to get it to work

    it's not like these complex workarounds, know what I mean?

  • oh man

    it's crazy, because I scheduled a few days vacation time near the end of may, specifically to be able to work on my engine. if this comes out just before vacation starts, that would rock

  • height and width need to be equal

    I didn't have to skew the sprites to make the grid work

    I skewed them to make them easier to draw, by being flat squares when I drew them

    but you set height and width of grid to the same thing

    or every other horizontal line of tiles won't be able to be in the right position

    go into my isometric example and change the snapping so width is twice of half, and you'll see what I mean

    but it's true, the snapping works fine, it's just visually the grid doesn't look like you'd expect it to, but one you place a tile or two, you don't need to see the grid

    it's obvious where things are

  • i see what you mean

    still though, the 3d boxes are drawn in perspective

    I mean, there's definitely nothing wrong with making a game like that

    but it's wouldn't really be isometric is all I'm saying

  • post the cap you're talking about my friend

  • this just uses normal's pretty easy to do

    I left open tiles on the layout, so you can try (click image to download cap)

    drag a tile while holding control (in edit mode, before you run the cap), and put it in an empty spot

    very easy to get it where you want it

    I drew square sprites for the tiles and skewed them by half their length

    so a 128x128 sprite gets a skew by 64 on the x axis

    then I halved their heights

    so the height would be 64 as well

    then set the grid snap to that same number for both x and y


    it works well and flexibly, for instance the river, top and bottom is the same sprite rotated

    also in the cap if you run it is a simple control system

    and the code to keep you from colliding into obstacles

    and the z-order code to place the objects in front and behind each other correctly, so you can walk behind the tree and such

    feel free to edit, use, etc...

    EDIT: updated cap so camera moves and you can see the top of the tree

  • on the layout editor, when you snap to grid

    right now it snaps to the grid after you do something and let go

    it would be more helpful if it was snapping to the grid as you were dragging/resizing it

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  • I saw that 3d proof of concept before I was a member of the forums here

    who did it, quazi?

    anyway, it's ridiculous how much it looks like xenogears for the psx, which was a great game btw.

    Im pretty sure the demo uses 3d boxes, so that means in order to use them there would have to be a few additions to that object, like the ability to find a certain face, and the ability to change textures on the fly, etc.

    the demo's not isometric though, it's 3d, other than the mario

    you could do isometric completely without 3d boxes, like if you wanted to make a game like SuperMarioRpg

    <img src="">

    there's no 3d in there, it's all in the way you draw the tiles, which seems very difficult to do well, on a side note.

    or something like this

    <img src="">

    just really well made tiles, but I do think the staggered grid thing would help alot

    I think game maker had that option

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