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  • it was pokemon

    this is a frame from a seizure causing moment:

    courtesy of wikipedia

    <img src="">

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  • [quote:31rba3wj]'Best Project for Gamers'

    you should add best tool for developers to your original post ash

  • no problem guys,

    there's alot of weird stuff you can do with the "use expression" thing

    hope it comes in handy

  • OOPS, just realized the wrong thing was saved to dropbox

    here it is

    the basis for setting custom keys (other link should work now as well)

  • Things would be quite simplified with the For each object scenario, if you could reference "This" afterwards as well.

    when you do

    for each object

    it picks the objects one by one

    so if you say

    for each sprite

    -----set sprite.x to loopindex

    it will give each sprite a different value

    you don't need this because you can just refer to the object by name and you're always only talking about the one it's currently on

  • thank you so much

    that's all I needed to know

    I have some really cool ideas for the distortable canvas

  • sorry, that's what I meant, image manipulator copy and paste during gameplay then, just takes a while, or does it freeze your game, too, while it's doing it?

  • the workaround is simple actually

    I didn't realize it before I last posted, but here it is:

    all you do is one event with a loop

    for loop 0 thru 255
    ---on key [loopindex] pressed[/code:3c8mr52t]
    to set the key to loopindex, you have to right click where you choose a key, and click Use Expression
    when this event is triggered, loopindex is the numeric value of the key pressed
    and it's easy from there to set global variables
    and use expressions again to choose your key
    on key global('up key') pressed
    fun stuff
    I love construct
  • you can check if a key is down and don't need to remember a number, you can just choose which key

    but I'm not sure the operation you're talking about is built into mouse/keyboard, however is easy to implement, if you already have events for the keypresses. do you just want to know if they press anything on the keyboard?, or the last key they used that is a set key in your game?

    like if they pressed space, which is the fire button down last.

    if it's just controls, then in the events that catch the button presses, you just set a global or private variable to whatever control you're in the event for

    it's possible to test for any key, but it's more complicated than just making events for specific keys

  • I knew about the new build, which is good,

    but I thought I read somewhere that when the copy paste does work on canvases

    it takes like a second (literally), and pretty much pauses your game?

    I mean, I understand if it's too difficult and low priority to be plausible

    but I am curious if that's true, do canvas copy/paste operations

    slow down your whole game?

  • yes, thank you newt, thats what i meant.

  • it crashes when i try that, but from what understand copying to image manipulator is so slow even when it does work that it isnt useable for realtime effects

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