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  • not sure what you mean aeal

    this is 98:

  • Thanks again Ash

  • 2. I'm not sure I understand the question. If you use pRuntime->CreateObject(specific_object_type, 1, pLayout), and specific_object_type is a valid CRunObjType*, that will work.

    well for instance if I wanted to create a sprite

    how would I get the CRunObjType for sprite or my_object_type, when they aren't chosen as parameters

    just no matter what it's supposed to create a sprite,

    or to put it another way

    how do I get a CRunObjType* for sprite without using GetObjectParam?

    or my_object_type

  • I'm going to flood the board if I keep starting new threads for all my questions, so they'll all go here


    in the template SDK resources, there's IDR_ACTIONS and IDR_CONDITIONS, and IDR_EXPRESSIONS menus.

    can I do something with these? like make a different kind of interface to the plugin, instead of the standard list thing that comes when you use add param and such?


    I can take a parameter for object types, and get

    CRunObjType* pObjType= params[0].GetObjectParam(pRuntime);
    [/code:31q7idtd] which I can use to [code:31q7idtd]pRuntime->CreateObject(pObjType, pLayer->number, pLayout);[/code:31q7idtd]
    what if I already know the object type beforehand?  is there a way to like
    [code:31q7idtd]pRuntime->CreateObject(specific_object_type, 1, pLayout)[/code:31q7idtd]
    [code:31q7idtd]CRunObjType* pObjType = my_object_type[/code:31q7idtd]?
  • Good to know that it isn't too hard to get the hang of.

    The SDK couldn't be more awesome.


    What exactly are you making?

    I'm making an engine that plugs into construct

    it's going to generate several types of procedural data (animation, graphical, behavioral, etc, etc)

    that I will be able to setup and save in a separate editor and then use within construct

    with high level commands, like "start animation("animation name")", or "pop up window("pause menu")"

  • thank you rich,

    this is all very eye opening and awesome

  • or the system else condition

  • dropbox is the ultimate ultimateness

  • Hey Lucid! Any more work on the engine so far?

    Sorry I haven't posted here in a while. I have much more free time now. I'll have to put up some art in a sec.

    no work on the engine so far

    I thought you disappeared, and I was working on my own super supreme engine of doom,

    but I'm still willing/able to do this on the side

    you should totally post some art and stuff

  • behaviors do things every tick without actions

    is there a certain function I use to do this?

    does it have to be a behavior to do this, or can I make objects that 'always' do certain things?

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  • k

    thanks rich

  • I just figured it might increase the number of objects I can have if the struct was significantly smaller

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