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  • he means to put invisible objects along the sides of the snaky road, and make those solid, so they could outline where you needed it to be solid.

    alternatively, you could use custom collision masks

  • oh god, i haven't downloaded this, and its probably illegal in 200 different countries if i do. my only question is...


    as in...why'd he mix the hentai ladies with the real women?

    they both take away from the appeal of the other when viewed together

    I haven't downloaded either, I don't see why it'd be illegal, though

  • no, im pretty sure thats what he meant pixel. welcome to construct, triplehex.

    unfortunately, there is no way to break a "for each" loop. you just have to make a global variable as he said. set it to 0 before the loop.set it to 1 as part of the event's actions if a sprite triggers the condition and have the condition include a check to see if the global variable is equal to 0 as part of the conditions to trigger the loop

  • it has to be a separate event, not a condition in the same event

  • im not at home to check out the problem

    but as i stated in the original post

    there is something wrong with construct ui buttons. this isnt just with my plugin, but if you press a button, it disables all controls.. if you replace those buttons with sprites, or some other method, this wont happen.. i will upload a new cap when i get a chance.

    also, (as stated in original post), the cap is corrupt. it is fine for testing the plugin, but each time you save it, it saves to a larger cap file, which creates a larger, less responsive exe.

    unfortunately, i havent yet uploaded the cap file, as i stated i would in the original post. but i will soon

    if you get a chance to test this in a fresh cap, without the button object, please let me know if you still have problems

    also, let me know if you were using the "on control" conditions in this plugin, or the ones in mouse/keyboard

    and thx for using the plug

  • it's still not perfect,

    but this is what I thought you meant when I first read this topic title

    if so, and you need help understanding or refining it, please let me know

    just move mouse to swordfight, it's self-explanatory once you start doing it

  • I don't think stuff like that is too simple

    but while we're at it

    a less rounded, more polygonal version for custom physics masks would be cool too

  • YAY!!!!!

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  • first, insert an event:

    <img src="">

    then choose the sprite, or whatever object has the timer behavior on it

    <img src="">

    then make sure to click on the timer tab

    and insert the On Timer event

    <img src="">

    after you tell it the name of your timer, you will have an On Timer event

    add any actions to this event that you want when the timer is up

    <img src="">

  • my construct crashes when I add a timer (99.4)

    if anyone else has this problem, please report back and I'll report it as a bug

    but how it's supposed to work, is that you Start timer in an action, which you say you did

    then you insert the event "on timer"

    by inserting event,

    going to your sprite, and then to the timer

    in this condition you add the needed actions

  • If you would like to change the icon of the prog or game, created by Contruct - it's possible. Do you want the movie, showing this?

    yes please

  • Nevertheless you can not drag an object from a project bar to a Layout Editor.

    oh wow.. never noticed that

    I have yet to make a large scale project

    hmmm..I'm not sure if this has been requested yet or not, (or maybe already a planned feature not implemented yet) but it might get lost deep in thread about zooming in and out

    might want to make this a separate thread or a request on the feature tracker

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