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  • Thanks R0J0hound and Ashley

    Got it working.

  • I see. Well that's no fun.

  • I know I saw this mentioned somewhere, but now I can't find it. I just need to download the source for a couple of official plugins so I can figure out a few things.

    Also, if anyone has any ideas of where errors dealing with cors and 404 errors when using an XMLHttpRequest (to access project files) that were working in C2, any direction would be appreciated.

  • I really, really would so much prefer Spriter and Spine to not implement themselves as drawing plugins. This forces the plugin to reimplement a bunch of Construct features and actually limits other creative features too. For example:

    - you can't add a WebGL shader to just one part of a skeletal animation if the plugin draws the whole thing, but you can if it just controls sprite objects (e.g. make just the head flash red if hit, etc)

    - you can't test for collisions with just a segment of a skeletal animation if the plugin draws the whole thing, but you can if it just controls sprite objects

    - a plugin which draws the whole animation probably has to reinvent a whole asset management pipeline, but if it just controls sprites it leverages our project-wide in-editor spritesheeting engine

    - Construct's support for containers allows you to treat composite objects as if they were one instance in the events

    Personally I am convinced that these plugins should not use the drawing APIs and should simply act as controllers for sprites. This makes it much more flexible for the user, and avoids clunky reinventions of existing parts of Construct. I discussed this at length with a Spine developer a while ago and I thought they agreed; one of the outcomes of that discussion was the decision provide a custom import process so they can conveniently generate all the necessary sprites on import, so I filed this issue as a TODO for that work. Perhaps not all the Spine developers are aware of this approach.

    We could add the drawing APIs they want, but one of the reasons we're holding off is because those features don't work in the canvas2d renderer. From the user's point of view, this will manifest as the plugin randomly not working on a small percentage of devices. I intend to make the C3 runtime the point where we unilaterally drop the canvas2d renderer, at which point we can go to town with these kinds of features. However even then it has the drawbacks listed above, and the C3 runtime is still some way off.

    Rather than adding new drawing APIs, I would much rather add any extra APIs to allow them to act as controllers, and have a good workflow for importing and updating. That's why I filed the custom importers TODO issue. I am totally willing to co-operate with any developers who want to take this approach and refine the SDK to make it work well. I can't force them to, and they might make drawing plugins anyway, but I hope at least one of them take me up on this offer!

    Spine, Creature, and Spriter 2 would all use polygon meshes to render their parts, as opposed to rigid sprites. As far as rigid sprite animations like Spriter 1 (or if C3 gets a deformable polygon mesh object, and we went with that), the only issue was that since all objects would be in a single container, they would all need to be present at all times (unless containers don't work like that anymore). This means that if you have sprites that only briefly appear in one of the several animations, or small objects composed of several sprites, of which there would be hundreds of instances, there comes an ever increasing overhead of sprite objects created that don't do much but sit around, invisibly, and wait to be used. Even when I added functionality to disable all animations on objects that were off screen, having hundreds of idle Spriter objects in a level (composed of more hundreds of individual sprites), the overhead of having all of those idle sprites made it run much more slowly than when I enabled the self-drawing mode, even though animations weren't being calculated or applied at all.

    [quote:3p2kc0q6]a plugin which draws the whole animation probably has to reinvent a whole asset management pipeline, but if it just controls sprites it leverages our project-wide in-editor spritesheeting engine

    'm not sure why this would be. The C2 plugin for Spriter was eventually expanded to allow users the choice of the import process we worked together on, and control individual sprites, or to allow them to load a single spritesheet image and draw itself. The plugin handled the splitting up of the spritesheet itself, though, so perhaps this is what you mean?

    [quote:3p2kc0q6]you can't test for collisions with just a segment of a skeletal animation if the plugin draws the whole thing, but you can if it just controls sprite objects

    this does pose a problem. For the Spriter plugin, in self-drawing mode, you had the option of having the plugin still create just the collision sprites, and so the API you mention would still be quite useful. Another alternative would be if there was the ability to have multiple collision types/shapes on the same object, and plugins could test if any or a particular one registered an overlap or collision.

    What about the issues of using sprites for everything?

    For example you can't define hotspots, or image points at any other time than on import.

    Another might be that you can't decide what frames are loaded on creation.

    These should be features accessible to the object, and not only available to a behavior.

    or the hotspots with the scml plugin on C2, since Spriter has animatable pivot points, we just had all of the sprites generate as 0,0 hotspots, and then the plugin did the hotspot math to compensate.

  • You can use safe-mode:

    Thank you.

  • Ashley -

    To enable Developer Mode, open Construct 3's settings dialog and click or tap the dialog caption 10 times

    I'm not sure how to open the settings dialog, as that error appears as soon as I click 'Launch Construct 3'. Is there a way to access settings before you open C3?

    blackhornet - Awesome. Thanks for the awesome tool, btw. Saves hours of work for plugins with a lot of ACEs.

  • stricky - working on it, possibly gradually depending on the resolution to the below

    blackhornet - any plans/eta on updating your indispensable Plugin Converter?

    Ashley - It appears I may have made a mistake converting the Spriter plugin. After I installed the addon I get this error as soon as I launch the C3 editor, so I can't remove the addon to try again:

  • Spriter: Dreamworld Adventures E — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!

    <p>BrashMonkey is pleased to present the Dreamworld Adventures Environment Art Pack.</p><p>This art pack comes fully loaded with a large assortment of highly colorful and joyfully flexible images and tile-sets, ready to merge, layer, blend, and tile together as you see fit to create the vibrant and whimsical environments for your next side-scrolling platformer game.</p><p>Spanning 5 unique environment themes, each offering a large array of image components for creating foreground, mid-ground, and distant layers of depth in 3 pre-made color or lighting variations, when used in art programs like Photoshop or the fantastic and free Krita, the customizing possibilities are virtually endless.</p><p>In addition to individual image components, each environment set offers a high resolution tile-set in two common perspective variations for the core of the foreground layer, which can be scaled down to fit the needs of your specific game project's tile size requirements.</p><p>BrashMonkey's Environment Art Packs are unique, because they include several Spriter animated props to further bring your lush cartoon landscapes to life!</p><p>You can either used these Spriter files in conjunction with one of the many Spriter run-time API's to have silky-smooth tweened animations playing back in you game, or you can export the animated props as full frame images or sprite-sheets at any scale and frame-rate you desire.</p><p>Make your video game worlds come to life, with BrashMonkey's Dreamworld Adventures Environment Art Pack!</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Spriter: Dreamworld Adventures E

  • Dream Frontiers Environment Pack — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!

    <p>BrashMonkey is pleased to present the new Dream Frontiers Environment Art Pack.</p><p>Designed to be the perfect expansion to the Dreamworld Adventures Pack or a great set of environments on it's own, Dream Frontiers comes fully loaded with a large assortment of highly colorful and wonderfully flexible images and tile-sets, ready to merge, layer, blend, and tile together as you see fit to create the vibrant and whimsical environments for your next side-scrolling platformer game.</p><p>Use the Dream Frontiers pack's large array of image components to construct foreground, mid-ground, and distant layers of depth in 3 pre-made color or lighting variations. Create beautiful and expansive castle, jungle, forest, and Egyptian or Arizona style deserts for your player to explore. When used in art programs like Photoshop or the fantastic and free Krita, the customizing possibilities are virtually endless.</p><p>In addition to individual image components, each environment set offers a high resolution tile-set in two common perspective variations for the core of the foreground layer, which can be scaled down to fit the needs of your specific game project's tile size requirements.</p><p>This pack also includes a set of art to help you add water sections, rain, and blowing sand-storms to any of the environments from this or the Dreamworld Adventures pack.</p><p>BrashMonkey's Environment Art Packs are unique, because they include several Spriter animated props to further bring your lush cartoon landscapes to life! Use this pack to add easy to customize flags, torches, palm trees, a variety of moving platforms, breakable blocks, or power-up blocks to further enrich your game levels.</p><p>Make your video game worlds come to life, with BrashMonkey's Dream Frontiers Environment Art Pack!</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Dream Frontiers Environment Pack

  • Ashley, excellent. No rush. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't delaying the plugin update unnecessarily.

  • Just double-checking in case I missed a post. Only the part of the SDK needed for global plugins has been released so far, correct?

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  • BBaller1337 - if you don't mind making a minimal example file that has just the triggered sound failing for your scml file I can take a look. ()

    winsonzhong - Make sure your project has a subfolder named '_guideImages'. Then, In Spriter Pro, click this icon, and the rest is pretty self-explanatory. There's another similar icon at the top of the screen to toggle the guide image on and off:

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