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  • why &global('timer')

    why not just global('timer')

  • > Hmm Consoles dont get much vote. I guess its because we all know that consoles evolve from time to time. Which means, developers might not support the PS2/3, Xbox or any other consoles they have in the future which is due to having a new better one being sold in the market.


    I can't speak on PS3, but in regards to the XBOX 360 I can say that XNA and C# are going to be around for a long, long time. It's not going away. Its base is already huge, and lots of people would like to make games for its formats but aren't language coders. With XNA you can make games for 4 different platforms (Zune, 360, PC, Windows Phone). If there was an export for this, it would be huge.

    There is an event-based program that exports to XNA called the Express Game Maker (In closed beta), and there is the Indie Game Maker which I've heard a lot of complaints about and has little to no instructional help available.

    At some point, someone is going to successfully hit with an export for XNA and it's going to be very valuable. I can see companies going after cell phone exports and whatnot, and it's just going after current trends that have no long-term future, and a much smaller developer and consumer market than going with exports for the MS platforms. I'd say something web-based would be #1 with XNA being 1A, but after that everything else is just reaching for fads or markets that are much smaller... too small to even warrant the effort in some cases.

    I agree with some of this. I think XNA export would be huge, insanely huge even, but I don't think android or iphone are fads. iphone is obviously huge, and jobs knows how to innovate just in time to avoid death. the iphone will get awesome again, and android is only beginning, every month there's like 5 new WOW I WANT THAT phones that are android based. just using it, and knowing google, are enough to know it isn't going away any time soon. during c2 development it will be clear if windows mobile 7 emerges as the supreme leader or not, though, which could easily happen, which once again, makes XNA a good candidate. like I said, I agree with that part, but I think the cell phone thing is only just beginning

    Perhaps the next poll should be "What features can you live without?".

    When you take into account that many of the given platforms cant have all the current features of Construct, or C2(official), IE hwa, shaders, connectivity, non homebrew/cracked, etc, your list becomes a lot shorter.

    not sure what you mean by nonhomebrew/cracked, but I know I want hwa, and shaders, that'd be like not supporting accelerometer on phones, because it wouldn't work on pc.

    I know you didn't say those should be taken out, and you were just giving examples, but I think c2 should take full advantage of any platform exclusive features if possible. if not it will just be a jack of all trades, master of none, instead of a supreme ruler over all dominions

  • tried it for a few minutes, and got a few criticisms meant to be constructive (no pun intended)

    first, is just a suggestion/opinion, the demo version, maybe saving disabled would be better than letting someone only make half a beat. There are alot of ultra-polished superawesome beatmaking programs out there, with very liberal demos and trial versions. there's even some really great free one's. you would probably be aiming for a more niche indie market, but still, you gotta make it so they have fun, and make something that sounds cool. A halting half beat is only frustrating to listen to, and no fun at all. same thing with no looping, you have to get them addicted to it. this would be the equivalent of having a racing game demo, where the car was limited to 20mph, and you weren't allowed to finish a lap. once again, just an opinion, and it's not like I've ever sold software before.

    next, would be the ease of use. not sure why the choice the choice to have little squares above the rectangles with the "wav" file names with the abbreviated names. but the little squares seem like they should be right clickable, too. maybe a way to preview them in the dropdown list as well, perhaps right click again?.

    the preview sounds in the bottom left are useful, but it seems like you should be able to right click them to automatically assign them to the last selected slot on the beat maker to the right, also even after realizing I couldn't do it, I kept trying to drag the files from that list onto the beats. if you need some help on how to make something from the listbox drag and droppable, I'd be glad to help. on the interface note as well, being able to hold the tempo change button to change the tempo continuously would be useful, and also, being able to click on the actual tempo number and type in a new tempo would also be good.

    I couldn't pinpoint when it happens, but its definitely not all the time, but sometimes i think it rushes between the 16 and 17 beat and plays the 17th beat too early. after switching to several beats, and switching back it had righted itself.

    I think it's cool that it gives help to noob beatboxers. in general, it seems like a nice little app, and I wanted to throw a quick beat together and post it, but all the demo limitations, as well as the interface issues made it a frustrating process.

    the basis of a fun tool is there, though, and I think you should keep at it

  • what do you mean their hitbox?, if not their sprite?

    but there should be an action, "set position to another object", use this under an "always" condition

    if the light object doesn't have it, under an "always" condition

    set light position to hitbox.x,hitbox,y

  • Just to further the compliments on construct, I'm a C++ programmer for many years, and I always looked down upon game makers as half-assed, no-skilled dead ends for people too lazy to learn how to really make games. They were always too limited to make anything decent (and typically, suffered horribly in performance).

    Forgive the snobbery, just being honest.

    However, Construct has changed my opinion completely. It's extremely well done. While it still has its limitations, it's light years ahead of game makers I've looked down upon in the last decade... to the point where I'd say it's a mandatory wrench in any game builders toolbox. Whether they use it to release the game or not. It's just marvelous for fleshing out ideas quickly and getting demos up and running to pitch ideas to others.

    Most of this is based around the open-ended nature of Construct and it's ability to be extended by a powerful scripting language. Instead of offering people a box to play in, you've given them an engine they can tap into (effectively, giving them a world).

    Well done, Scirra!

    other than having used c++ for years I pretty much agree with the rest of it. I used think game makers were silly toys no one could use to make anything serious.

    also, don't forget you can use c++ to make plugins, which takes away almost any remaining limitations.

    btw, if you've been using c++ for years, check out the sdk, it's pretty easy to get something awesome happening

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  • pixels per inch (ppi) doesn't really apply for on screen graphics. That's more for printing and scanning.

    so the actual size such as 1024 pixels is what will matter. if you want it look detailed when zoomed in to take up 1024 pixels by 1024 pixels on screen, that's the resolution it should be at. Not sure what software you're using to get the image data in ppi, but simply right clicking in windows and clicking properties should give you image size in pixels. If you tell me the name of the software, I may be able to help you figure out how to get the image size data how you need it for construct purposes, but if it has a setting for "pixels" that should be it, or a pixel density of 1:1 ratio

    also any compression you use, such as jpeg or gif, does not affect the amount of vram it takes up because all images are decompressed into vram, so it's best to use a lossless format like .PNG, because this will give the best quality, including transparency.

    Also there are no dumb questions. most of the awesome Constructors asked a ridiculous amount of questions when they first started.

    welcome to scirra,

    and... please tell me you did the art for your avatar

  • I've come across it often enough that I don't use families at all. I hadn't read the thing about the family manager,but for me, anytime I add anything to a family member after its already in a family, everything goes completely messed up and unusable. Not just private variables either, behaviors, too. I can never anticipate everything ill need when I start out, so I avoid using families at all, since it almost always ends in disaster. Ill have to look into this family manager though, I thought it wad just there for convenience

  • unfortunately, I no longer have the source code

    so I can't update it,

    however, there is hope, because whatever caused this plugin not to work anymore also broke the regular construct controls in the same way

    maybe when those are fixed this will be, too

  • Everything should be in "human readable" or text format, no binary: SVG for image, xml for object/project description etc...

    So it's easier for revision control system, team working, re-use, merging, editing, archiving, etc...

    Yes, especially cap files

    No binary caps, so there can be no such thing as an irreparably corrupted cap file, and an enterprising individual could even make some type of script that automates some tedious cap editting process

    Also, unrelated, but what about giving the sdk a dynamic combo box option for the acetable that allows users to have the choices change the way they can with private variables and global variables. There's a few times when making a plugin this would have been a perfect fit, and I had to compromise better usablility

  • it doesn't like them overlapping because it's supposed to be simulating an approximation of real world physics, where things aren't supposed to overlap

    you can use the 'disable collisions with object' action on each one as it's spawned to prevent this though

  • > there's no plugin, but you can do it with a formula:

    > clamp(((floor(lerp(('maxnumber')-('minnumber'),0,distance(radiussprite.x,radiussprite.y,othersprite.x,othersprite.y)/(radiussprite.width/2))/('numberofcircles'))+1)*('numberofcircles'))+('minnumber'),('minnumber'),('maxnumber'))


    > here's an example cap:



    > if you can't load it, get the latest version of construct here:



    Thanks for the example, lucid. But there was one problem: The minnumber was set to 10, meaning if you were outside of the radius, the variables would still go down by 10. Setting it back to 0 fixes the problem.

    (My main intention for this was to make a explosion splash damage thing. Thanks BTW. )

    yeah, I thought minnumber was supposed to be the very min number even for outside. at the last minute I thought you many have meant min within the circle, but I figured you'd just change it like you did if that was the case

  • > Nice work! A side note - this did quite annoyingly hijack my mouse. I reccomend you stick an escape function in there.


    My bad. You can quit however with Alt-F4 (What I've been using)

    the new rawmousemovement plugin makes it so you don't need to center the mouse to keep track of movement:

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