lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • Search for the word "rotate" on this page and you can see the actual source: ... ctions.cpp

  • here goes directinput controls through pygame:

  • very basic example, more of a proof of concept

    here it is being used to control a behavior

    download pygame from here:

    and copy the pygame folder to the python directory of construct

    also, for anyone wondering, if you have a 360 controller, they're still dx compatible so you can still test this cap. if it moves at all, it's using directx input

  • in answer to your subquestions, ask many many questions, that's the best way to learn, if you're asking 3 questions per day or something, you can make yourself a question thread, but one question a day is pretty normal for an anxious learner

    also, there's a chat link at the top of this forum for the irc

  • I got pygame directx controls to work on an older version a while ago.

    if no one's posted a working solution by this weekend, I'll find that cap and post it

  • sorry, try:


  • Does the reporting feature work when I click the little exclamation mark?

    Also, what's the point of these bots that compose random nonsensical nonsense sentences?

    Is it some primitive ai trying to communicate, or am I supposed to be intrigued by some of the randpm words and thus compelled to click a link?

  • yep, thought it was very, very good. Not too sure about the Hollywood remake - Let Her In - but it does have her from KickAss, so may be ok

    I originally thought the same, because Chloe Moretz is awesome, but that was when I knew the basic plot but hadn't seen the movie, and here are some wikipedia copypastes"

    [quote:3rj06nhg]Producer Simon Oakes has made it clear that the plot of Let Me In will closely resemble that of the original film, except that it will be made "very accessible to a wider audience"; "[It has] the same beats, maybe the scares are a little bit more scary. We've been able to ramp that up quite a lot, obviously for budgetary reasons."

    [quote:3rj06nhg]The filmmakers have noted that "they intend to forge a unique identity for Let Me In, placing it firmly in an American context",

    and worst of all:

    [quote:3rj06nhg]"We're incredibly admiring of the original, but to be honest with you, that picture grossed $2 million. It's not like we're remaking Lawrence of Arabia."

    ?Donna Gigliotti, producer

    also, while not central to the story, they are removing the Eli's other secret (no spoilers),

    and the director will be the guy who did Cloverfield, which I actually thought was worth watching once, but not a truly great film, and certainly not in the caliber of Let the Right One In. Let the Right One In was so subtle and nuanced. It just sounds like he wants to turn it into a Hollywood blockbuster. So it might be good by those standards, but not classic like the original. By the way the screenplay for the original was written by the book's author

    also, found this interesting:

    [quote:3rj06nhg]The decision to make a new film adaptation has been criticized by Tomas Alfredson, the director of the Swedish film. He has stated on numerous occasions that he is not in favor of remaking his film.[17] "If one should remake a film, it's because the original is bad. And I don't think mine is", he said.[18] He also opined that "remakes should be made of movies that aren't very good, that gives you the chance to fix whatever has gone wrong. I'm very proud of my movie and I think it's great, but the Americans might have another opinion. The saddest thing for me would be to see this beautiful story made into something mainstream. I don't like to whine, but of course ? if you spent years on painting a picture, you'd hate to hear buzz about a copy even before your vernissage!"

  • System.Spawn Object

  • thanks again guys

  • It's a Swedish vampire movie.

    Very good:

    <img src="">

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  • I'm not sure how high,

    but the way around it if the user doesn't need access to the large numbers (keys) at runtime

    would be to write a plugin for it, or maybe use python

    you could setting a private variable a few numbers from the top end of your spectrum, and then outputting the private variable to a text box, and see if the number is in tact

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