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  • i think it would be simpler to just use numbers

    [quote:3235mgqm]weapon = 0

    you know for yourself, and in your comments which number corresponds to which weapon

    [quote:3235mgqm]on player pressed Change Weapon

    add 1 to player('weapon')

    if player ('weapon') is greater than the highest number you have defined

    player('weapon') = 0

    so it'll loop around to the first weapon...much cleaner and easier to maintain. just two little events that won't change no matter how many weapons you add

    I think just using numbers and comments is fine, you can copy paste a little comment chart or the relevant parts wherever you need it, like here's your comment block for the event that increments:

    remember this is just a comment field that does nothing except let you read it and remember




    3=friendship ray

    then on the event where you have

    if player('weapon')==1 or whatever

    you can have a little comment that just says


    if you're against comments like that for whatever

    make a bunch of global variables

    one called shotgun with the default 1

    one called chainsaw with the default 2


    and just never change those variables, so they'll be constant

    then your events won't need comments because they'll look like this:

    [quote:3235mgqm]if player('weapon') == global('shotgun')

  • destroy on startup attribute happens before frame 1 of the game.. I could be wrong about that though. if so, it's existence for a moment at the beginning of the first tick of the game without being displayed won't affect performance or anything else. Destroy on Startup is the equivalent of having no instances at startup. unfortunately, because of early choices behind the scenes of construct, it's not possible to create a layout that has object types in it without also having that one instance that destroys itself at least.

  • why not just do on collision with whatever. they don't need to be solid. the solid attribute is so things with behaviors such as platform and stuff, know what they can stand on and go through, etc. if you just want to make something happen when it hits something

    just use the on collision condition

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  • does the character need the solid for anything? if not, take it off the character...same with enemies unless they have some reason to use it

  • yeah yeah, I know, that's what this thread is for

    if a bunch of people go there at the same time

    there'll be more than just one

  • no seriously...


  • I'm not about to quote all that so:

    if you wanted to destroy all bullets there are four ways you can do it, off the top of my head.

    First there is a System - Advanced Collision condition, that allows you to choose whether either object involved gets picked. If no instances of an object are picked, it's as if all of them were picked. you could use that.

    You could use the 'family trick', where you put the bullets in a family called "blue" lets say. And on collision with bullet, blue.destroy. Families have their own separate picking lists, so you can do things like bullet, on collision with blue, and control the hitting bullet, and 'hitee' separately. in this case, since only the bullet was involved in the collision, all blues(bullets in that family) would be destroyed

    you could use a function, this is messy as you said, unless the process involves more than just a simple destroy. you could make a function that destroys all bullets. and function calls allow you to choose whether or not picking is conserved inside the function

    you could use my 's' plugin. it intimidates alot of users, and indeed it's more advanced core features have probably the largest learning curve of any construct plugin I'm aware of, but there are several handy easy to use things as well. In this case, there is a Pick Object action, and a Pick Object condition. They serve the same purpose, just allow you to use them in two different places. All this does is allow you to choose any object type, and order construct to pick a specific instance, unpick a specific instance, pick all that type, unpick all of that type. You can also choose whether it's picked as itself, or as a family, so you can say pick all bullets as blue, and even if there are other things in the blue family, it would only pick all the bullets there.

    there's also python, but that's overkill if you're not already using python, which unlike gamemaker, scripting isn't needed for even very advanced games, with very unique needs. I wouldn't recommend even touching python, until you realize how you can make everything you think you can't make without it.

    Controlling views. You can control views directly with the system object. controlling scrollx and y and zoom, globally as well as independently for each layer. A simple way to make a great camera is to make an invisible sprite object, and just tell the camera to "always" scroll to that object. Then put a bullet behavior on that invisible sprite, and make it always follow what you want at a speed based on the distance, that way it smoothly slows as it approaches objects. any type of movement you can conceive of except for 3d camera rotation is possible with these few simple system actions. also, there is a 3rd party 'magiccam' plugin which does alot of neat stuff for you, but I haven't used it myself, nor kept track of it's stability or development

    there's no handy tile editor as of yet (though there is grid snapping), other than cool examples made with construct you can probably find in the tutorials section of the forum. the platform school tutorial if I remember correctly had some ugly square tiles covered with pretty graphics, and that's a perfectly valid and common way to do it. If you mean one large tileset sprite, and you only reveal whichever part you need, this would be an involved process using uv distortion, which is entirely possible, but not the easy way to do it. the straightforward way is to load all the separate tiles into a single sprite animation. set the animation speed to 0, and then just switch frames in the editor like this :

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    If by multiple views with multiple huds, you mean split screen, there have been a few examples of someone doing this with the canvas mostly. there's was a particularly awesome one here:

    I also came from GameMaker, which I purchased long long ago. The second I tried to create a script that did bezier curves, or split a convex polygon into multiple triangles though, it completely choked showing me that the engine wasn't capable of anything truly computationally complex. I can assure you that construct is capable of doing anything, gamedesignwise, that gamemaker can do in a much more intuitive way. seriously, try out the ghost shooter tutorial, and if you're like me, you'll be in love with construct halfway through it. then move onto 'platform school' tutorial, and dropout halfway through once you "get it". once you understand the basic workflow and logic to construct, you'll likely find that it's much more simple and enjoyable to make anything you can think of then you would have even hoped possible. pretty much any 2d gametype or feature you can think of, you can make.

  • nah

    I just forgot honestly. what does a fractional exponent do?

    isn't it something weird like 6 to the 1/5 power is like taking the 5th root of 6 or something?

    if that's the case then it still doesn't make sense why it'd be equivalent...

    wait wait

    found it ... ional.html

    yeah, I guess the confusion was thinking timedelta was an exact science. there's no way taking the nth root of something can give truly similar results to multiplying by some other random a/b.

    so basically what you guys are saying is that they really won't run at exactly the same speeds when moving at two different framerates, even in a perfect world where you had a perfectly exact timedelta. so just come up with some random equation that seems to work, or use one you saw someone else use somewhere?

  • I think each time you Set a new animation you have to Play it as well

    could be wrong though. just try it!

  • System - always

    -------Set Sprite2 Position to Sprite1

    MouseKeyBoard - On Left Button Clicked

    --------Set Sprite2 Visible - Visible

    --------Set Sprite1 Visible - Invisible

    MouseKeyBoard - On Left Button Released

    --------Set Sprite2 Visible - Invisible

    --------Set Sprite1 Visible - Visible

  • yeah, I was just suggesting another way of doing it

    after switching the animation, did you use a Play Animation action?

  • Is there a spot to implement Global Variables? I'd like to have a running tally of each "Enemy" in the game, so that when it's down to 0, you win the game.

    When you go to select your objects, for actions and such, choose the system object. It has global variables. Just make an action. System-Set Value

    For this particular case though, unless you don't really have all those enemies there, are you're making like a wave of enemies and behind the scenes you're creating them offscreen or something, There is actually a System expression that counts objects CountMatching(objectname). it counts the objects currently picked, so if you don't have any type of picking condition before you use that expression it will just count all the objects of that type in the layout

    [quote:19ilh352]What's a good way to do a transition between 2+ layouts? Can you do this with 2 doors, 1 in each room to take you into the other? If so, how best would this be accomplished?

    I've never worked with multiple layouts other than quick experiments so I'll leave that one to someone else

    [quote:19ilh352]Sometimes my character or one of the enemies will be sent outside of the room, how do I fix this neither of us can leave the layout? Also, sometimes the physics will get wacky and when an enemy pushes me up or down through a platform I teleport through it, any method to alleviate this issue?

    first question is do you mean physics like the Physics behavior? or just the general sense of the word physics and you're using the Platform behavior? if physics behavior what actions are you using to set the speed or strength of the enemy? If platform, what actions are you using to simulate pushes?

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