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  • that's windows7 right?

    who else had the bug before? we should pm them and link them to this thread. anyone who's having this bug, please post your windows versions, gfx card, and driver version.

  • Its a matter of preference,personally I thinkk your original invisible sprite method is simpler, or better yet, so you can make them all move different would be put all classes in a family, and use the family for all those shared events, and then if there are events unique to a class, use that specific sprite for the event

  • I suppose so people who don't have it yet don't have to do two downloads. Also, the link I just gave is tiny, and the same as patching it

  • Ashley said his laptop is down again, so for anyone who wants to use this latest build, instal r1, and copy this file into construct/plugins/runtime and overwrite will be equivalent to r1.1

  • so it crashed only when you were using physics, or with any preview?

  • I don't know if its the build or just me, but the r1 worked fine. r1.1 gives me the error "the application failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect". Just thought you would like to know.

    try redownloading and reinstalling, it's working for me and apparently procrastinator. and the change to this version is very small and shouldn't have caused any issues, definitely none if you're not using physics

  • there've been a few people who posted at one time or another who did something like post "no response yet?!?!" 80 times in the first 5 minutes after their initial post, or wrote dissertations over and over about how construct should adopt nonprogramming terminology like calling variables "memory thingies" repeatedly until it became a frustration battle, and I can easily imagine one of the few unhappy check in check out users being bitter enough to say those awful things. also, I can easily imagine some of us coming off as elitist when genuinely singing the praises of construct and contrasting it with lesser software, but to someone who didn't understand how clearly superior construct was in whatever respects, it would just sound like elitist fanboyism. as a matter of fact, that last sentence sounded pretty elitist...good thing i only frequent this messageboard. also, there are a few users here who have their little troll sides, whether they do it for fun, because they're drunk, or because they are actually part-troll - and on foreign soil they may have gotten carried away. when construct 2 is released, we'll be able to get all this straightened out, because every one on every game making board will join this one.

  • does this fix the fact that some moving ojects fall through solid objects or is it just objects that randomly fly off screen?

    there is a fix in the changelog for r1 that fixes some problems of objects moving through eachother. if there are more problems with that, especially if you can narrow down situations when it happens, please report the bugs

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  • Not a screenshot, but a painting I did of the HUD and some pause menu stuff for my game:

    That's two days worth of work. It's pretty much the most detailed thing I've ever painted to date and I'm rather proud of it .

    that looks awesome

  • 1000%360

  • oh yeah, and one more thing, you said if you knew more c++. I would recommend, even if you know very little c++, to go ahead and try it. I and at least one of the other plugin developers here started out with the sdk thinking there's no way we understood enough c++; but you can mess around with alot of the stuff in the sdk without knowing how it works. Between asking questions in the construct engineering forums, general c++ questions on google, and looking at the other plugins in the svn when you need to know how a certain plugin did something.

    you might see something in a behavior that looks like this


    and it might look weird, but if I tell you that this is how a behavior sets the x position of the object it's attached to, so it's like the action

    [quote:1eztsoxs]Set X to 50 in construct

    you can still use it, even if you don't know enough c++ yet to be able to understand the syntax. you also don't need to go research and memorize all the construct specific commands. since you have to use visual studio to use the sdk, you automatically have all the commands there

    as soon as you type


    all the options for pLink are there, and the same for when you type


    you see that you can set values for x,y,angle, h (for height),etc,

    there are not many questions asked on the construct engineering forums, so feel free to ask alot. even basic stuff like. so what does -> mean anyway?

  • well i'm sure that it must be possible to develop a "3d camera" behavior plugin that could let you choose a side of a 3Dbox that would then draw to the screen what is in front of that face, but the thing is to do it... i would like to do it, but do not have enough knowledge to do so, i'm still studying the sdk's, but i'm far from being able to do something, i only found until now where the window is builded in the VRuntime.h, that itself uses RenderCommon.h, now i'm looking for the 3dbox, to see if i could find a way to refer to one of it's face, and then i'll have to figure out how i need ro build what i want

    edit: just found out the 3Dbox i think it's Quad.h

    edit2: i think that i wont be able to do it on my on, anyway i think i just found a program specially made to make 3d games, 3D rad, if somebody is intested here's the link:

    hi beds

    there is an sdk tutorial. you should definitely start with that. it'd be extremely difficult to figure out the sdk without some guidance. here's the basic tutorial.

    if you have trouble figuring it out, or getting it to compile, or whatever, the appropriate forum to ask questions about that end of things is construct engineering. I actually think it would be very simple to make a 3d camera, within the actual runtime of construct, because construct is already using a 3d camera, it's just stuck angled at the background, so it would only need the extra commands for yaw pitch roll (not sure which one we can already use). The problem is whether it would be practical or not.

    I think it's probably possible to do it without altering the runtime in a plugin. I haven't worked directly with directx calls that much yet, but it seems like it should be pretty straightforward. I think it would work better as an object than a behavior though, as of now, all behaviors can be used on any object that is placed on the layout, like box, 3d box, sprite, line, etc, but not on mousekeyboard, array. so creating a behavior that only works with 3dbox would require rewriting 3d box to provide feedback to the behavior about what it's doing. that's not hard, but it's also not necessary

    So back to the practical part. if it's simple, why not just add it to the runtime? because it may just cause more problems than it solves. your game will look like a bunch of flat 2d cutouts when you switch from looking at them straight on, all lined up like a diorama. Then you would need options for sprites to make them always face toward the camera, or be able to rotate them along all axis's. This is all possible through sprite distortion events, but it would be about as fun as trying to make the world rotate around you instead of using the 3d camera. Then there's the issue of having no 3d layout editor. All these features and extra options everywhere are going to confuse new users who will try them out and basically not understand why there seems to be a halfimplemented 3d aspect to construct, at which point the board will be constantly flooded by questions on how to make it work well. Part of the beauty of construct is that by sticking completely to 2d, you can have a simplified system of condition/action(cause/effect - stimulus/response) relationships that's just not possible in 3d where all the spatial information related to any event adds just one too many layers of complexity to make this system work as neatly.

    but by all means, try out the sdk tutorial. a 3rd party plugin that does this would be harmless to the rest of the system, and to newcomers as well. also, if you know some c++, and don't mind fiddling around. creating such a plugin, if it's possible, should be pretty straightforward

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